Godly Choice System - Chapter 2633

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:06:41 AM

Chapter 2633

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Li Yun looked at her, she also looked at Li Yun, after a while, Li Yun slightly turned his eyes: "know some."

It seems that the old woman would not leave the ancient city to apply for a job as his bodyguard.

"Talk about it!" She said in a commanding tone.

"Empress Nuwa..."

In fact, there is nothing to say about Li yuntun's words. Empress Nuwa had a cold eye on the three realms in the wa palace. She had nothing to do with her when she was making a list of deities. The love poems of King Zhou at the beginning were very impressive.

"Erotic poetry?" The old woman's eyes and eyebrows seemed to be flashing with excitement, and she immediately asked, "what kind of erotic poetry?! How dare Dixin, a fool, write poems to provoke Nu Wa

Emperor Xin is the name of King Zhou. Judging from this appellation, the old woman is quite familiar with King Zhou, or higher than him, so she calls him by his name instead of King Zhou.

"I'm afraid that's not good." Li Yun evades a way, always saying that the love poem is really tasteless.

"I'll let you say it!" The old woman was more and more excited, almost gasping, a pair of bright eyes looking at him: "tell me, what did Dixin say to make Nuwa angry?"


"Quick, point, say!"

"Then you promise me a condition."

"Ten conditions are met, say!"

Li Yun is relieved. The matter of bodyguard is settled.

"It's not a good poem." Li Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I saw it from an ancient book. It can't be true."

"There's too much bullshit, come on! ***!”

Ancient mother's unique ancient curse appeared again.

Li Yun put his fist to his mouth, coughed and said, "it is written in that book that King Zhou went to pay homage to empress Nuwa, the ancient god of ancient times. When he saw the stone statue of empress Nuwa, she was very beautiful and dignified. Therefore, King Zhou, who was full of lust, wrote a poem on the wall:

the scenery of fengluan's treasure tent was very beautiful, full of clay and gold Pear flowers with rain strive for beauty, peony cage smoke gallop Mei Mei


The old woman opened her mouth so wide that she could not believe her ears. How dare the fool of Dixin to write such a poem? Especially in the last two sentences, it is said that Nu Wa's face is like pear flowers stained with rain. She is shy and moving. She is painted with green smoke eyebrows like peony flowers, which completely shows her flattery.

It seems that How dare he!

"The last two sentences are..."

"And what else?"

The old woman is very surprised, the front of the erotic poetry has been called blasphemy to Nuwa, with follow-up.

“…… But enchanting can move, take back the king of Changle

Li Yun still finished reading the poem. Anyway, it was not his poem. He just repeated it at the request of the old woman.

As a result, he had just finished his study. When he knew heinerton, he was so shocked that Li Yun could hardly stand and his head was dizzy. He almost thought it was the anger of the sage coming from thirty-three days.

But it is.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The old woman gave out a roar of laughter, which reverberated in the ancient city at night. Li Yun's brain was pounded by a force of spirit, which forced him to retreat three kilometers away. Watching the crazy old woman laugh and hammer the broken walls of the ancient city, hammering the whole ancient city into pieces and making continuous rumbling sound.

This terrible power makes Li Yun astonished, and the ancient aunt is forced!

Indistinctly, you can hear her voice full of laughter:

"no wonder you bastard was so angry that day. You saw this love poem, hehe Why don't you go there and use me? "

"Ha ha, it's a pity that you don't know where to hide now..."

This old woman is crazy. Take it away.

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