Godly Choice System - Chapter 2635

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:06:38 AM

Chapter 2635

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With the influx of the power of the system, Li Yun's knowledge of the sea has undergone dramatic changes, such as the rise and fall of clouds, the tide rises, and all kinds of insights rise to the heart.

The most basic change is that the sea of knowledge is more solid, and the ability to resist mental attack is stronger.

As Li Yun released his spiritual consciousness, he felt the biggest difference between spiritual consciousness and divinity!


Li Yun can't help mumbling to himself, such as before the mind is just like a radar scanning, and then will scan the thing back, it is just a dead thing.

The greatest feeling of the present spiritual consciousness to Li Yun is that it has "come alive"!

Full of spirituality.

Generally speaking, the mind can only sense the shape of living things, while the spirit sense can feel the joy, anger, sadness and joy of living things. Li Yun releases his mind and immediately feels a breath of vitality from the surrounding forests and grasslands. Everything grows, withers, dies and regenerates

Li Yun even "saw" a nest of mice hiding under the soil. The mother of the mouse stood at the mouth of the cave with a pair of sneaky eyes staring at him. It seemed that she was waiting for two humans to leave before leaving the cave for food.

All sorts of mysterious and indescribable feelings made Li Yun stop. After a long time, he was awakened by the young girl.


The young girl's face showed a trace of surprise, "you boy, can you even walk through? Well, I must have stimulated your knowledge of the sea with enchantment, so I made you suddenly break through. You boy is really lucky

Li Yun:

Taking a deep breath, he decided not to go with this arrogant old woman No, young lady, I care too much.

However, since the young girl is not surprised by spiritual knowledge, it shows that this is a normal training route. If you ask her to point out the direction of spiritual cultivation, you will make a lot of money.

The next two people did not speak. Although qingnu has been talking coquettishly, and she is arrogant and arrogant, Li Yunneng feels that her mood has not been very good. She always seems to recall her old friends' past and has a tendency of self destruction.

From her inexplicable sudden desire to return to the ancient city, we can see that qingnu is not very concerned about the changes in the outside world, and she does not want to know too many people.

But as long as it is human or God, all intelligent creatures naturally like living things and have the need to communicate with people.

As long as the women who enter the ancient city forget to enter the old city every day.

Maybe, is it because she is too lonely?

Thinking of this, Li Yun couldn't help but look at the young girl who was following her. As a result, she glared at her: "what are you looking at?! I don't like short-lived people. No, I don't like long-lived people. I'm fed up with it! "


Li Yun found that her character is not a mother at all, but like a free and easy, melancholy, and irascible 30-year-old leftover woman character.

Half an hour later, Li Yun saw the light in front of him, slowed down a few minutes, and said with a smile to the young girl: "master, the world now is very different from that of ancient times. Don't be too surprised if you wait a moment!"


The young girl was disdainful and pointed to the bright moon in the sky with her finger, and said haughtily, "see what that is?"

"The moon." Li Yun answered honestly.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Is it that Are you Chang'e? "

Li Yun's voice did not change. Now she said she was Nu Wa. Li Yun was not surprised.

"No, I'm Chang'e's rival."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

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