Godly Choice System - Chapter 2695

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:05:10 AM

Chapter 2695

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Surprised to see her, Li Yun's eyes with a trace of strange: "yes, there are still two hours, but Do you have a house in the school

Su Muxin shook her head and regretted, "my parents told me to go abroad in my junior year, so I only bought a house near the school. It's about ten minutes' drive. What does my father think?"

Li Yun thought about it for a while, but also regretfully shook his head.

If Su Muxin also has a three bedroom apartment in the school, she can visit her first, drink some tea, have a chat and do something.

However, it is not convenient to drive to the house she bought after leaving the school gate. It may be that the counselors, or Fang Xue, are going to have something to do with him, so it's not easy to leave.


Su Muxin's voice was very long, and soon she thought of something. Her eyes lit up. She suggested, "my brother, Dad, I know that there is a plant laboratory in the school of biology. There are few people in the school from morning to night. Moreover, they don't forbid outsiders to enter their buildings, as long as the plants cultivated in the yard and classroom are not moved!"

Li Yun looks strange. Is that ok?

What's more, it's too arrogant to fool around in the University on the first day of school, or go to other people's plant laboratory with my sophomore sister to do some small moves together?

"Let's go, brother!"

Su Muxin thinks more and more feasible, and her delicate face is full of excited blush. She pulls Li Yun forward and whispers: "there is a compartment in the bathroom of that laboratory, and it is not forbidden for outsiders to use it. Let's go quickly, Dad. I want to go to the bathroom now!"

Li Yun was pulled away, and he couldn't help but Tucao. He had to go to the bathroom and make complaints about it.

Five minutes later, two young men and women in white medical masks, shoulder to shoulder, looking at the easy pace, but actually furtive, came outside the secluded laboratory.

It is located in the corner of China Sea university. The green trees nearby make the night even darker. In addition to the teachers and students of several laboratories nearby, some lovers who are in love on campus will take this road.

For example, this couple: Li Yun and Su Muxin.

The white masks are naturally taken from the space ring. They completely cover their faces after wearing them. Unless they are very close, they are unlikely to recognize them.

"Here we are, right here!"

Su Muxin lowered her voice, furtive as if she came to the plant laboratory to steal some dangerous chemicals.

But in fact, she's here to go to the bathroom.


Li Yun shows reserve, but in his heart, he feels inexplicably nervous and exciting, just like Su Muxin.

Here, is a laboratory of Biology School of Zhonghai University. It is a real university, and it is also one of the top five comprehensive universities in China!

Li Yun is about to do something very hidden in such a sacred and solemn institution that nearly ten million college entrance examination students all dream of.

"Well, brother Shall we go in and have a look? "

Su Muxin's heart is pounding. Now she is so excited that her whole face is red.

When she really came to this secluded laboratory and realized that few people would come here, Su Muxin realized how bold the previous proposal was when she and her younger brother could really happen!

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