Godly Choice System - Chapter 2742

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:04:01 AM

Chapter 2742

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The people in Sanmu village were scared to go back several steps. This scene is amazing!

Wang Anna is in front of a light, said: "monitor, I am funny thirsty, before I bought milk tea still?"

"Want to drink?"

"Mm-hmm." Anna Wang nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Mingzhu chuckled and threw the mineral water to Li Yun. She took out a bottle of milk tea and handed it to Anna Wang.

The people of Sanmu village have a close look. The milk tea is clearly frozen. It is not magic, but a wonderful ability!

Several girls in Jike class are chatting around Xiao Mingzhu, with a smile on her face.

"Wow, that's great!"

"The monitor's ability of space is so powerful. I think it's better than any other power! It's amazing to be able to store things at any time, take them out, and save the state when they're put in. "

"Yes, yes, the monitor has enough space of ten cubic meters, which can store several tons of things."

"Sob, if the world is going to end in the future, monitor, you should remember to put more food in it."

"Crow's mouth, what the end of the world, does not exist!"

Three or four girls cheered for Xiao Mingzhu's spatial ability. They had seen the monitor use it many times, and even many of the luggage was stored in it, such as tents, food, pots and bowls, but they still felt amazing every time they saw it.

The people in Sanmu village listened to their comments, and all of them were silly in the same place.

"Space powers..."

Qiao Feilu was shocked to see Xiao Mingzhu for a long time, and then said with difficulty: "the world is really changing too fast. What used to be only in the movies has become a reality Well, Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu, it's up to you to solve the problem of monsters eating people. We Laohe town will do our best to help you! "

A group of Jike class students are full of proud expression, as if Qiao Feilu praises the monitor and Deputy monitor is praising them.

Li Yun nodded and said modestly, "we can't say that. After all, our experience is not enough. We still need to rely on people like you to lead us."

"Ha ha ha, it's easy to say, let's work together!"

A little flattery from the power man made Joe Feilu happy. He patted his chest and promised to do it well.

Li Yun smiles, does not mind in these small matters, turns to search in the back of the ancestral hall.

Xiao Mingzhu followed up and walked around with him.

"These guys...!"

Lin Tiankang, the son of the village head, who was the arrogant young man before, saw this scene. A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, but it was soon hidden.

He doesn't have the guts to fight an unknown power.

"I'll go up and have a look."

Li Yun lightly jumped on the locust tree, which attracted a group of people to exclaim.

Xiao Mingzhu also jumped up, she is wearing a pair of trousers, not afraid of the light. Maybe it's because of her better and better relationship with Li Yun. Now she especially likes to act with Li Yun, which means that she follows her husband.

"Li Yun, what have you found?"

“…… Nothing. "

Li Yun shrugged, "the scene is all destroyed, the monster should also be very weak, ten days have passed without any trace of evil spirit, how about you?"

Looking at a group of people from Sanmu village below, Xiao Mingzhu bit Li Yun's ear and whispered, "I always think this thing is a bit weird. I can't say why, but I just think it's not so simple!"

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