Godly Choice System - Chapter 2867

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:01:00 AM

Chapter 2867

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Li Yun asked pan Suyi to pick up the book of life and death on the ground. No accident, pan Suyi had never heard of the legend of the book of life and death. When she knew that the book in her hand was a treasure to record the life span of people all over the world and to control the lives of all living creatures, her face was full of panic.

"Of course, the life span of immortals is not in the book of life and death." Li Yun added with a smile.


Pan Suyi is still a bit silly. Her memory is still in her lifetime. But when she opened her eyes, she came to this strange dark world. If it had not been for Li Yun's company, she would have been very flustered and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, there is one who cares about her Lang Jun is around.

Pan Su Yi's face was red. She lowered her head and opened the book of life and death. She was surprised and said, "childe, there is nothing on it?"

Li Yun came over and asked her to look through the book of life and death, but pan Suyi looked through the whole book and found no one's name on it.

“…… It's not surprising. "

Li Yun pondered for a moment and said, "modern Well, you haven't heard of any ghost events even in 1912? "

Pan Suyi shook her head.

"That's right."

"The immortals have disappeared, and the underworld naturally has no one to live in, and it seems to be extremely empty. If no one's name is written in the book of life and death, it becomes a matter of course."

Li Yun said firmly, let pan Su Yi look at him with adoration on his face.

But soon, pan Su Yi exclaimed: "ah, childe, there is a name on it!"

Li Yun:

Isn't that a real slap in the face?!

"Yes, my name..."

Pan Suyi's pale face was full of surprise and consternation. She raised her head and looked at Li Yun, trying to find the answer.

Li Yun looks serious.

Sure enough, there is an extra line on it:

Pan Suyi was born on July 14, 1894 and died on July 14, 1912.

There is nothing else.

There is no record of Pan Suyi's good and evil deeds in her life, and there is no record of her past and present life. There is only a simple record of birth and death.

This is a very simple book of life and death.

“…… Hiss. "

Li Yun touched his chin and began to think about what it meant to be inside?

First of all, suppose that the illusion given by the system completely restores the scene after pan Suyi was sealed by the beautiful woman. At that time, pan Suyi entered the dark world, came to the gate of ghosts, and saw his name on the book of life and death.

as like as two peas.

Of course, Li Yun didn't exist at that time. Pan Suyi was the only one here.

Or, a ghost.


Li yunyin guessed the purpose of the system, looked at Pan Suyi and asked, "Su Yi, if I suddenly disappeared and left you here alone, what would you do?"

Pan Su Yi's eyes widened, subconsciously looked at the dark world around him, and nervously asked, "childe, where are you going?! Will you take plain clothes with you

In such a strange and gloomy world, she is the only one?

In that case, she would be afraid of crazy, helpless squat on the ground, waiting for the inexplicable terrible things to come.

Because she can't even commit suicide now.

"Young master."

Pan Su Yi's tears all fell down. She had escaped from Li Yun before, but now she tightly grasped his clothes and looked at him with tears: "don't you leave, young master? Plain clothes and plain clothes are willing to do anything. "

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