Godly Choice System - Chapter 2927

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:59:30 AM

Chapter 2927

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Fan Qingsheng asked a sentence in the fanlinglong can be said to be groundbreaking.

"Marry People? "

Fanlinglong was stunned, a few tears hanging on the beautiful cheek, with a red mouth, a pair of beautiful big eyes staring.

"Well, master, have you got married?" Vatican repeated his question.

Fan Linglong was completely stunned, "good disciple, how do you ask Oh, I see. "

It was because her apprentice had a husband that she suddenly asked if she had ever married!

No wonder, not at all!

For those who are in love with each other, they will have the idea of matchmaking when they see that others are also single.

"Master?" Fanqing Sheng asked again, as if she had to ask her master to answer.


Fanlinglong answered in a loud voice, very determined.

Her life experience is not mentioned, but fan Linglong was extremely gifted since she was a child. When she was young, there was no talent that could match her half point, so that she did not look at ordinary men.

Later, she traveled to the hermit holy Valley for decades. She watched with her own eyes those mortals struggling in the secular world, and some people who were barely friends with her, from walking in the river and lake with her, to getting married and having children, and then to aging and dying. Everything was gone before she died.

At that time, fanlinglong had a sense of disillusionment with the world and a profound understanding of it. He did not have much nostalgia for survival.

Fortunately, later, she met a girl in the palace who was suffering from a terminal illness. She did not have many days to live, but she was still cheerful. She was infected by her innocence and optimism, and fanlinglong recovered her desire for life.

After creating a large array that locked her vitality, fanlinglong returned to the hidden holy valley. For more than 200 years, she hardly went out of the valley.

It was not until the six gates that she was born again with an extraordinary talent and a dazzling star. After 20 years of fighting with each other, fan Linglong returned to Yinsheng Valley again.

It can be said that fan Linglong did not know what love was all his life, and naturally did not have the thought of getting married.


Fanqingsheng nodded slightly. She did not see any man mentioned by her master in these years, but she still decided to ask, "master, do you have a man you like now?"


Fanlinglong said aloud, pinching her apprentice's face as a punishment.

"Do you like it?"


Fanlinglong was shocked. How could her apprentice go out once, and she couldn't recognize it? Fortunately, her apprentice still has something to say. She is pure and impeccable. Otherwise, fanlinglong must have gone out with a sword and chopped off Li Yun who had damaged her apprentice with a sword.

Fanqingsheng was not shy, but explained: "what I saw on the Internet, male and female, female and female, is also very popular in foreign countries."

Fanlinglong covered her forehead, the Internet is not a good thing, her good apprentice are bad.

I knew I didn't teach her to surf the Internet.

No, in the hidden holy Valley, we should not introduce the network!

"No, no!"

Fanlinglong replied feebly, "your master, my friends are almost dead. Those who are not dead have become old and immortal abnormal. The only one who has a good relationship with your master, she Forget it. Don't talk about her. "

Inexplicably, fan Linglong thought of a person.

That man used to be her best friend.

Unfortunately, she also became the person she hated most and wanted to kill most.

"Master." Van Ching Sheng looked at her master very seriously.


"You and I will marry Li Yun."

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