Godly Choice System - Chapter 2947

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:59:01 AM

Chapter 2947

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At least fanlinglong can't.

When Li Yun talks about the recent Nie Xiaoqian and pan Suyi, she unconsciously has put her head on Li Yun's shoulder, turning her back to Li Yun's arms and being held in his arms by him. She is so intimate that she can't even believe that fanlinglong can't believe it.

Even she didn't find out what was wrong with this kind of embrace. Instead, she was very happy and half squinting her eyes. She looked at him with a kind of very confused and soft eyes.

"I must have been influenced by the Holy Spirit!"

Fanlinglong doesn't feel wrong at the moment, but even if she reacts, she doesn't want to leave Li Yun's bridegroom. She only gives herself such an excuse.

"Qingsheng ~"

Li Yun's breath hit the skin of fanlinglong muscle. This time, she didn't feel anything wrong, nor did she have goose bumps. She just felt inexplicably soft and comfortable. She wanted to sleep with her eyes narrowed, which made her totally addicted to it. She could only make a hum in her nose, which was a response to Li Yun Call.

"Come and kiss."

Li yuntact touched her cheek, from his slightly cold palm, after comparison, fanlinglong was in a trance to find that his face had become so hot.

She has been unable to suppress the shame, even if Li Yun said intimate words, fanlinglong also no longer has the psychology of resistance, but in her heart is still pouring out a kind of sweet and happy emotion.


Her eyes are closed, her eyes are so beautiful that she looks like a lover.

Li Yun's face touched her cheek.

Fanlinglong whispered, still did not feel uncomfortable, delicate body soft shrink in his arms, uneasy, and full of happiness waiting.


It's a real kiss, like a man and a woman.


In touch with the moment, fan Linglong opened her eyes, a pair of shy eyes looked at Li Yun for a long time, then slowly closed.

Very green and astringent.

The bright moon is covered by a thin layer of clouds.

A graceful figure appeared less than 100 meters away from the two people. She was slightly surprised when she saw the two "lovers" who were holding each other to exchange feelings and were kissing and kissing each other. However, she did not come out to interrupt them. She just stood quietly waiting.

At the same time, because of the exchange of spirits, she also felt the happiness that master could feel at the moment.

But to the surprise of Fanqing saint who came here, she stood for an hour at this station.

Her master seems to be completely lost in the sweet feeling of dating.

During this period, Li Yun released her several times. Fanqingsheng found that her master did not escape. She did not know whether she was awake or was awake. When her master got a short rest, she did not feel wrong.

Or like it.

All in all.

After the break, Li Yun went to make love to her again. Fanqingsheng found that her master had adapted to her almost immediately without any resistance. The two exchanged feelings for a long time.

Then, the Vatican Qingsheng saw that Li Yun and her master continued to rest. Li Yun seemed to say something, love you, like you, love you most If it's very numb.

Fanqingsheng doesn't need to be able to listen clearly, because she and Li Yun have been in the same way, so she is very clear about her master's feelings now.

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