Godly Choice System - Chapter 2963

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:58:34 AM

Chapter 2963

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After meditating for a long time, the distraught fan Linglong calculates a divination for Li Yun.

as like as two peas of elephant.

Fanlinglong didn't believe in evil, and he also calculated a divination for the Buddhist Ching Sheng, but the result was nothing unusual, and there was no abnormality in the hexagram.

That is to say, she and Li Yun are indeed the red Luan stars in the sky these days, so something is bound to happen.

Unfortunately, before last night, fan Linglong didn't do divination for herself in advance. It was too late to do it again after it happened.

"My life Is that so? "

After a complex look at the divinatory symbols again, fanlinglong inexplicably relieved a lot. No wonder she made so many abnormal moves last night. It turns out that Li Yun is her doomed marriage.


Fanlinglong heart trembled, she really can not escape, can only marry him?

It seems to think about it, but it is.

Li Yun's inexplicable rescue of Zhu Shu'e, who locked her vitality with the array four hundred years ago, is tantamount to having a certain relationship with her.

After that, he got the red oil paper umbrella (fanlinglong already knew about Nie Xiaoqian from the information sent back by his apprentice), and the marriage line between them became more and more entangled.

Before the two, he had an inexplicable relationship with her apprentice, and even her injuries were completely cured by Li Yun's pills.

All kinds of things related to Li Yun come to mind, and fanlinglong has a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

She owes Li Yun a cause and effect since she ate the recovery pill sent back by Van Ching Sheng. Last night, Li Yun "asked" her to repay, which led to the failure of fanlinglong at that time to resist, and he had been kissing for so many hours.

“…… I'm stupid. "

Fanlinglong covered her forehead. She was blinded by the holy incident yesterday. She didn't know that the people who came to ask for her debt had come to her, but she also exchanged spirits with her daughter and took the initiative to send them to the debt collectors.

The end, of course, is to eat dry wipe clean, debt is paid off, but she and Li Yun between the cause and effect, but evolved into a marriage line.

"That is to say I can only marry him

Fanlinglong is distracted by the copper coins on the ground with her white fingers. If she is seen by outsiders, her temperament of Linglong master will surely disappear.

Therefore, at this time, she was completely with a young girl who was full of love's sweetness and troubles.

"It's not impossible to marry him. Although it's a bit ridiculous, master and apprentice, mother and daughter marry the same person, but it's not unprecedented in history. I don't know how many ridiculous emperors have done this at all times and in all countries.

But there are so many girls around that guy

Marriage line, can also be cut off! Who said I must marry him

Thinking of Li Yun's constant pressure on her, fan Linglong gets angry and grabs a handful of antique copper coins and sprinkles them on the eight diagrams.

The copper coins jingle and jingle, gradually forming a set of hexagrams.

Fan Linglong see, pupil suddenly shrink.

The hexagram of great evil.


Because of the right of passage given to Li Yun by the holy master of the hidden holy Valley yesterday, his behavior of entering the library with the Vatican Qingsheng is not restricted.

Of course, Li Yun's behavior of holding the little hand of the saint in the hidden holy valley was still baptized by numerous angry eyes. If Li Yun had not been covered with his face to defend himself, he would have been unable to withstand the overwhelming God's intrusion.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!