Godly Choice System - Chapter 2992

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:57:47 AM

Chapter 2992

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After they got up, they were still in the deep room.

This makes her quite strange, in the past, Li Yun was the first to get up, but today is late.

After simple washing and washing, the Brahman entered the inner room.

At a glance, we could see that master's house, which was already in a mess, became more and more messy. All kinds of things were thrown away at random. Clothes were all over the floor. There was a strange smell in the room, which made van Ching Sheng, who loved cleaning, frown.

However, she was not too disgusted. She had already smelled it. It was the mixture of Li Yun and her master.

“…… Master

Van Ching Sheng looked at the big bed and knew what had happened to them last night. However, after looking at the sheets and finding no red blood stains, she was sure that nothing really happened last night.

"Pure and holy."

Li Yun's voice rang out, and fanqingsheng was pulled by him and fell into the bed. He was hugged and kissed by him.

"Can you blame me?"

Li yunpo is a little embarrassed.

Last night, he and fanlinglong did not have anything to do, but what should have happened, even fanlinglong wanted to take the initiative to devote himself, but Li Yun did not agree.

Because last night's fanlinglong, the state is obviously not normal, she wants to vent her inner sorrow more than to communicate with him.

Therefore, Li Yun only made a fool of her last night and didn't eat her.

Although the time of mischief was a little longer than four hours, it was as much as six hours.

“…… Get up

Van Ching Sheng put his hand on his forehead and did not answer Li Yun's "boring, not worth answering" question.

For her, such a result is the best. In the future, she can be with her master again, and her master will not be lonely any more.

Li Yun chuckled, carefully turned over to get up, by the way, helped sleep beside him, wrapped his hands and feet around his fanlinglong, covered the quilt, bowed his head and kissed her forehead, said "Linglong, you continue to sleep", then left this fanlinglong bed. After seeing the traces of fighting last night,

, who had seen the battle in Van Ling long, had a thick face like Li Yun.

All of a sudden, van Ching Sheng said, "Li Yun, are men all like this?"


Li Yun didn't hear her very well.

Vatican pointed to him.


Li Yun is totally embarrassed!

By the cold and beautiful saint, pointing at him and saying how you are, Li Yun has a feeling of being that or that, which is extremely embarrassing.

"Cough! Anyway, it's OK. "

Li Yun quickly muddled over and put on his trousers.

As for the question of sanctity She'll see for herself later.

"Did you go to the end with master last night?" He asked again, just like a good boy who was eager to learn.

“…… No

"Why is it so noisy?"

"Cough, cough, cough."

After being chased and asked a few questions, Li Yuncai was able to wash away.

Mingming Qingsheng didn't arrest his daughter. But these problems made him feel worse than Li Yun.

However, is Qingsheng old enough to be curious about these things?

At some time, Li Yun will have a good chat with her.

In the past, when he and Qingsheng were dating, they were extremely regular. But judging from the curiosity of Qingsheng this morning, unconsciously, she seemed to have some different ideas and wanted to go further.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!