Godly Choice System - Chapter 3164

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:53:19 AM

Chapter 3164

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Compared with the last time he logged in, his last micro blog had 100000 more replies, 500000 more forwards, and less than 10000 likes (a very real number of likes). After clicking on the reply, he was shameless. He dared to fall in love with his fairy sister and didn't look in the mirror.

Li Yun probably understood what would happen if his relationship with Liu Xianxian, Gong Qingyu, Xiao Mingzhu, Fang Xue and Su Muxin were exposed.

At that time, it is estimated that without the means of public relations, or exposing his identity as chairman of Li Superman + Baiyun technology, I am afraid it will not be able to suppress the torrent of abuse.

"You still laugh!"

Li Yun stares and puts his head together. Liu Xianxian, who secretly looks at his mobile phone, has no good way: "don't you solve your fans as soon as possible?"

"What do you mean to solve my fans? They are afraid that I will be cheated by bad people ~"

Liu Xianxian muttered, typing on the screen with her fingers, and quickly sent a microblog urging him to say: "you can also transfer it to me, and I'll ask the sisters of fairy association to forward it for me too!"

Li Yun points into the following list, finds Liu Xianxian's cute big head, and then points into her microblog to have a look.

"Dear little ones, now Xianxian is making a martial arts movie about love. There are many reasons why she wants to take this movie. One important factor is that I went to college this year, and I was looking forward to a sweet love, and this movie satisfied all my fantasies about love So please understand that in the next few months, I will not be Liu Xianxian, but an ancient princess who can't get out of two doors. I will be in a romantic relationship with Mr @ killer. Please look forward to the movie

Li Yun, good guy!

Is this a direct exposure of the relationship with him?

"Quick, forward!" Liu Xianxian "ferociously" looked at him, "I @ you, if you don't forward, I have no face!"

"Yes, turn right away!" Li Yun said, "I'm just hesitating. If this microblog makes them turn, will it..."


Liu Xianxian said with a smile: "I told them, don't worry, they are not so jealous."

Li Yun is relieved. It seems that they have reached any agreement in the group. In other words, the girls have satisfied Liu Xianxian's desire to "announce her love affair" and agreed that she can become a couple with Li Yun in this way.

"Yes, I'll turn right away."


Liu Xianxian stops him. After putting her face together, she takes a selfie with her mobile phone. Their faces are almost stuck together. She also asks Li Yun to face his mobile phone. They stretch out their thumbs and forefingers and stick them together to compare a figure of love.

The corners of Li Yun's mouth twitched, and the crew around him also had a look of ghosts. Song lini's eyes were straight.

Such intimate photos, Liu Xianxian also plans to post on Weibo?!

"Immortal!" Li Yun called her quickly.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Xianxian clicks the send button, and many people who follow her micro blog have received a prompt message on their mobile phones. When they take it up and look at it, they immediately gasp.

In the photo, Liu Xianxian, wearing a blue Ru skirt and jade underpants, and Li Yun, wearing a tight black suit, are almost glued to their stools. They look at the camera and compare their love with the netizens in front of the camera.

Love is full of sour smell!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!