Godly Choice System - Chapter 3302

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:50:07 AM

Chapter 3302

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after paying a deposit of 2 million yuan, Li Yun and his wife arrived at Tianxue palace under the leadership of the beauty manager.

Originally, the deposit was only 500000 yuan, but Li Yun was too troublesome, and he predicted that several people would come here to play, so he simply gave an extra 1.5 million yuan at a time. All kinds of services let the beauty manager open up, such as top food, Remy Martin, XO, red wine, wine, caviar, high-grade game and so on.

All kinds of messy high-grade ingredients were finished in turn. Li Yun didn't care how much it cost. He didn't even care whether tianxueju would pit him, as long as it wasn't too outrageous. In any case, millions or even tens of millions of dollars were small money for him, which was not worth caring about.

"Sir, this is Tianxue palace!"

The beauty manager and Li Yun come to a three story wooden building. They say it's a wooden building. In fact, it covers a large area, with yards, walls, rockeries, gardens and so on.

It looks like a palace in the Imperial Palace, such as Ci Ning palace, Kun Ning palace, Jing Ren palace and so on. Of course, it is a miniature version with only one garden.

But even if it is a reduced version, there are also some, such as yellow glazed tiles, hard mountain roof, Dougong under the eaves and so on, which makes the Tianxue palace worthy of a palace word!

"Not bad."

Li Yun nodded and went up to the second floor under the guidance of the beauty manager. In fact, there was nothing to see on the first floor. Like most villas and houses, they were just living rooms and two guest rooms for entertaining guests.

Up to the second floor, there are more facilities. There are all kinds of things that can provide entertainment and fitness for the host. Li Yun just takes a cursory look and nods.

"Mr. Li, the third floor only belongs to you in the next week. No one will go up without your permission and confirmation."

The beauty manager stopped and said with a smile, "please go up and confirm the facilities by yourself. If you need anything, you can call me directly or press the button. We have a special person waiting for you 24 hours."

How about 168000 a night?

In fact, people who live in Tianxue palace can ask them to help with anything, such as finding a guide, buying special souvenirs, or driving to a nearby city to buy things that can't be bought in the scenic spot.

168000. There are so many things to buy!

"Mm-hmm, it's OK, it's OK, that's good ~"

Hu Xiaomeng waved to the beauty manager to go, but before she took a few steps, Hu Xiaomeng suddenly thought of something: "by the way, there will be several beautiful beauties to play together in three days, you need to prepare bed sheets and quilts these days, in short, ten people can live on the third floor According to our standard, we also have two children, thirteen or fourteen years old. "

beauty manager make complaints about it and want to Tucao, aren't you fifteen or six? Aren't you a child, too?

However, she does not dare to offend these three people now. It seems that the words of this cute little girl show that Mr. Li will play with a group of beauties in Tianxue palace. It's no surprise that Tianxue palace has not entertained more people.

But it's the first time for them to have such noble temperament and outstanding appearance.

"Yes, I'll arrange it."

The beauty manager respectfully answers and leaves. Before going down the stairs, she looks back at Li Yun and vaguely feels as if she has seen him somewhere.

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