Godly Choice System - Chapter 3360

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:48:40 AM

Chapter 3360

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Li Yun didn't know the process of divination. He didn't even systematically study the divination of fanqingsheng. He only heard a little about it before.

So they were watching quietly in the room, waiting for fanlinglong's solemn divination ceremony to end.

For a long time, when it was dark, Li Yun went to the kitchen to cook a peasant fry for the master, apprentice, mother and daughter. It seemed that after smelling the smell of the food, fanlinglong stopped divining. Suddenly, the copper coins floating around her fell to the ground.

Fanlinglong also powerless backward.

But just when she thought she was going to fall to the ground, a warm and powerful hug hugged her. Then, a familiar and gentle man's voice sounded in his ear: "Linglong, are you ok?"

“…… Well

Fanlinglong slowly closed her eyes, let her tired body fall in the man's mouth, and let the warm current from her heart spread all over her body, so that the feeling of men and women swept through her limbs, and then spread to the deepest part of her soul, so that she would never forget the feeling of this moment.

"If I had known that, I would not have said these things. If you worked so hard."

Li Yun picked her up. Fanling's delicate body seemed to be held by him without bones. Instead of refusing, she twisted her body to make her more comfortable in Li Yun's arms.

Fanlinglong closed her eyes, and Li Yun took her to the chair, sat in his arms, put her arms around his neck, and hummed: "I don't do divination, who can replace me? Qingsheng she Ah

When he mentioned his apprentice, fanlinglong suddenly woke up. His weak body struggled and blushed: "let me go, let me go. Qingsheng has seen it!"

It's wrong to show such a soft appearance in front of one's Apprentice.

What's more, she was coquettish with Li Yun in front of Qingsheng. He picked her up from the futon, walked with her, and sat on the chair again.

"What are you proud of?"

Unless it is a fool, or now is a man will not let go of the soft woman in his arms.

Of course, Li Yun is not a fool. Fan Linglong spends too much energy on divination. Now is the time to comfort him. Besides, Li Yun also wants to join them tonight Well, let's sit on the balcony on the second floor and watch the stars. Let's talk about something else.


Fanqingsheng had already served rice for them. After hearing master's words, he nodded slightly: "I have seen it."

Fanlinglong is ashamed.

"Besides," he added, "last time, I watched it for three hours."

"Ha ha!"

Li Yun can't help grinning. For three hours, it refers to the exchange of body between fanqingsheng and fanlinglong. Later, fanlinglong was hugged by Li Yun for four hours.

Fanlinglong wants to find a crack in the ground now!

What is the safety of Yinsheng Valley? Is it more important than losing face in front of Li Yun and Qingsheng?

She shouldn't try her best to do divination so that she can't even eat.

Moreover, Li Yun, the little villain, refuses to let her go. He just wants to see her make a fool of herself and feed her with a spoon to eat!

"Ah ~ ~"

"ah, you big head Well

Fan Linglong finally failed Li Yun and was forced to open her mouth to eat. What's abominable is that the little villain filled her mouth with a prank like meal, just like a hamster's cheek bulging.

"My exquisite, so lovely."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!