Godly Choice System - Chapter 3433

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:46:52 AM

Chapter 3433

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Fanlinglong's appearance is mysterious and cold, and he always keeps away from others.

But once you get close to her heart and fully understand her, you can realize her emotional side.

Apart from other things, just because she clearly remembers the picture of her aunt Chun holding her in tears hundreds of years ago, she knows that fan Linglong actually cares about the feelings of people around her.

Now, after meeting her old friends, she drinks with her and gets drunk. She is so drunk that she doesn't know what's going on in her heart. In fact, fanlinglong has been lonely all these years. She is eager to communicate with others and is afraid of losing friends again.

But in Yinsheng Valley, she couldn't find someone to communicate with.

The holy masters and teachers of Yinsheng valley are enough as ordinary friends, but if you want fanlinglong to drink and have fun with them and chat with them in the boudoir, you can't.

Many people who have friends don't realize that intimate friends are a luxury.

"I see!"

Nodding to grandma Zhao, Li Yun couldn't help but stoop down and kiss the drunken and bleary fan Linglong on her beautiful face.

After looking at it, grandma Zhao showed a happy smile.

"Li Yun?" Fanlinglong cried vaguely.

"Well? What's the matter? "

"Kiss me."

Drunk fan Linglong, just like playing coquetry with Li Yun at night.

"I'm kissing you."

Li Yun gave another kiss.

"Not enough, not enough ~" fanlinglong was as pretty as a girl in February and August, and said happily: "kiss again, I want to prove that I am very happy in front of Xiaoqing's ghost, so that she won't die without closing her eyes ~"


Li Yun was surprised and looked at grandma Zhao with fanqingsheng.

Is this living old woman a ghost?

Grandma Zhao didn't speak, but just laughed. She looked at Linglong sister kindly and didn't care if she said she was a ghost.

Li Yun more hair don't understand, this Zhao grandmother, and this peach blossom village people, exactly is what kind of wonderful existence!

"Kiss me, kiss me!"

Fan Linglong pours Li Yun on the low table, tugs at his clothes and says drunkenly, "I want to make Xiaoqing feel at ease. I was sorry for her at the beginning, but now I can finally prove it to her. In fact, I can live a good life!"

Li Yun still feels puzzled, but he vaguely understands what happened at the beginning.

However, he can't cooperate with fanlinglong who is now making a fool of himself.

After all, no matter how to say, it can't be in broad daylight!

"Brother Li, brother Li?"

Fortunately, Xiao Mei's voice came from outside. Li Yun quickly hugged fan Linglong and said to grandma Zhao, "grandma, Qingsheng and I will go out first and come back to you later."

"Do you want me to watch sister Linglong?" Asked grandma Zhao.

Li Yun shook his head. He didn't dare to give the drunk fan Linglong to a stranger, who was still a I don't know what it is.

So did Vatican Qingsheng.

She stood up and came over, picked up her master from Li Yun's arms, helped her and walked out with Li Yun.

"Granny, are you going out to have a look?" Li Yun looks at grandma Zhao.

"Me? I'm not going, "she said

Grandma Zhao shook her head. "I don't care much about the affairs in the village. I'll clean up the mess of sister Linglong. I'll prepare dinner for you in the evening. Do you live here in the evening? I'd like to have a drink, sister Linglong. I'd like to talk more about it. "


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