Godly Choice System - Chapter 3550

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:44:06 AM

Chapter 3550

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Of course, all of the above are just Li Yun's conjectures. After all, he has never seen the immortal mansion with his own eyes. He has never felt how powerful the immortal mansion is, and he has never seen the immortal's ability with his own eyes.

My son, Xiao su

Although this blonde loli is not reliable, she is a "God" who has passed the system certification. Her power should be very strong in her small world of Taohua village.

However, there should still be a long way to go before her prime, or her own God. Li Yun is still self-conscious. He is not stupid enough to think that he can fight against the God with a green lotus fairy house.

"I'll show you in!"

Li Yun winked at them, and then led them into the brand-new qinglianxian mansion.


Black feather butterfly screams, three eyed toad quacks and jumps, very excited, even Nie Xiaoqian is surprised to cover his mouth.

In the past, there were always static white clouds in the sky. It was just like the sky box painted on it. It was so rigid that people couldn't bear to look at it for a second time.

But now!

A few thick white clouds in the sky are fluttering slowly. The sky is blue, full of deep taste, and the field of vision is widened.

Li Yun took them to the edge of the small world, that is, the edge of the original lotus fairy house. The girls saw the endless grassland, growing well, with open terrain and slight ups and downs, just like the XP system boot screen seven or eight years ago. Several hills were up and down, and the green grassland made people want to roll on it for a few times!

"Good, good!"

Nie Xiaoqian's eyes are wide open, and she is absent-minded.

"This thing..."

The blonde lolly was full of surprise. She witnessed the chaotic treasure change from a dead and shabby thing to a usable one. In a short moment, in less than two or three seconds, the chaotic treasure became like this!

It's amazing!

How did he do it?!

Even if it is an ordinary treasure, it will take a long time to get familiar with it, let alone this treasure from chaos!

But Li Yun obviously means that he took a little time to master the treasure!

What's more incredible is that aura is scarce now. It's not possible to control such a chaotic treasure - there's not enough power to control it.

But her God envoy, who looked very stupid, reversed the idea of Xiaosu!

"Isn't that great?"

Li Yun is quite proud and smiles at fanqingsheng. In fact, it means that he has no way to explain now. He asks the saint lady not to ask.

But in fact, fanqingsheng knows that Li Yun's power comes from his biggest secret, which is the so-called ancient immortal house inheritance.

She had seen so much that she was not surprised or worried.

Anyway, as the secrets of ancient times are revealed bit by bit, Li Yun's secrets will be gradually revealed!


Shengzi kicked the grass under his feet and felt like he had lost for the first time.

This mortal is not simple!

It's not easy!

No wonder I was woken up for the first time in 2000 years. I followed him out of the small world and was treated like a child by this guy. I flew out of the Antarctic with her and came to Zhonghai city. I was held here by him and participated in the warm and happy New Year's Eve.

Xiao Su doesn't reject such a life, and even wants to be so hilarious every night.

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