Godly Choice System - Chapter 3590

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:42:59 AM

Chapter 3590

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Yamaguchi's daughter, Yamaguchi Hui, was so angry by Xiao Mingzhu that she couldn't speak.

She is the daughter of Yamaguchi, the three major families in Sakura kingdom. From small to large, no one dares to speak to her like this!

She married and was proud of her husband who graduated from Dongda.

But now

"If you don't want to recognize us as your guests," Xiao Mingzhu said with a slight narrowing of her eyes, "then we have nothing to say. This meeting will be cancelled directly!"

"Cancel, cancel, go back where you come from! Get out of here now

Yamaguchi Hui immediately gave a loud order and waved to the bodyguards to drive them out.

But none of the warriors standing beside the old man obeyed her orders.

Xiao Mingzhu's smile is more and more brilliant, and the old man's eyes look at each other, not falling in the wind.

Although they are different in age, one is 30 or 40 years old, the other is only 19 years old, the conversation between them is quite strange:

one is in Chinese, the other is in Japanese. What's amazing is that they can understand each other's words, but they don't bother to use each other's language to talk to each other.

But disdain, does not mean not to learn, by elite education of the two gold lady, it is estimated that each of them at least master ten languages!

Li Yun has a panoramic view of all this. In fact, he wants to say: how can he leave like this? You asked me to come, do not pay tens of billions, just want to easily send?

Forget it, let's see how the Pearl works out.


The old man's voice was indifferent, revealing a sense of Cruelty: "from now on, you can no longer participate in the affairs of the Shankou family. Your younger brother will replace you in your work."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Yamaguchi was shocked. Why didn't she do anything wrong, but she lost her successor's qualification?


The old man snorted, and Yamaguchi's face turned pale with fright. His body trembled under kimono for several times, but he didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to bow his head and retreat.

This shows the importance of the cherry blossom kingdom.

"Let the two distinguished guests of Huang Xuanguo laugh."

The old man showed a faint smile to Li Yun. It seemed that Xiao Mingzhu was mainly Li Yun, not her.

"I've got a lot to laugh at you about. It's not bad."

Li Yun finally can't help but open his mouth, and as soon as he opens his mouth, everyone present, including Yamaguchi Hui, who has not yet gone far away, looks at him in surprise.

"You can't spit out your ivory

Xiao Mingzhu wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare.

Her boyfriend, temporary, is totally unreliable. On such a serious occasion, she had a personal meeting with the head of the Yamaguchi family. How could her boyfriend still have the attitude of not scolding each other to death?

Does Li Yun not want the conversation to continue at all? Not really.

Perhaps, Xiao Mingzhu thinks that Li Yun is just to test the old man's bottom line. If he gets angry immediately, there will be nothing to talk about next. Li Yun and she are bound to give in, and this inexplicable talk is doomed to fail.

On the contrary, as now, if the old man doesn't get angry but chooses to apologize, the conversation will continue.

"Is Mr. Li dissatisfied?"

The old man said with a faint smile, "on behalf of the Yamaguchi family, I would like to express my sincere apologies to you. I hope you, Mr. Li Yun, and Miss Xiao, will appreciate it."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!