Godly Choice System - Chapter 3745

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:38:36 AM

Chapter 3745

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On a global scale, how many animals and plants have been mutated because of the aura explosion in Penglai Island?

100 million? 200 million? Or a billion?

No one knows.

Now human beings can still have the absolute upper hand, and modern weapons can also effectively wipe out a large number of demons. However, more and more detailed data show that the number of animals and plants with variation is increasing rapidly in the world.

And the most powerful variation of animals and plants, constantly refreshing people's understanding.

For example, in the tropical rain forest, someone photographed a 100 meter long, train like giant python perched on a mountain. The poisonous gas spewed out can instantly melt a large area of vegetation, occupying the mountain for the king within a few hundred kilometers. No living creature dares to stop it.

In addition, there is a huge golden eagle flying over the world, which has been witnessed in many countries. Every time this huge golden eagle passes the city, it will leave a large shadow and bring endless panic to the local people.

Jackals, tigers and leopards, even the most humble mice and cockroaches, all mutate because of aura.

All the media in the world have come to a unanimous conclusion: if aura has been spreading and no accidents have occurred, the future demons will continue to grow and become stronger, and the dominant position of human beings on the earth will face unprecedented challenges.

But now, there is a God in Cherry Blossom country, saying that it can bring shelter and strength to those who believe in her?

How much vibration will this cause?

No one can answer that question.

"Block the media immediately and forbid anyone to publish any news!"

As the supreme emperor of the cherry blossom Kingdom, Aoxuan was not a vegetarian, so he immediately gave a decisive order.

Now there is no time to identify so many, so we can only block all the networks, media, telephone, telegrams and so on in Cherry Blossom country, and all the things that can be exchanged.

This is not impossible, because meikoku has controlled the lifeblood of many Cherry Blossom countries for decades. For example, satellites in the sky and many important network servers are all under their control.

Otherwise, how dare Australia call itself the supreme emperor of Cherry Blossom kingdom?

"Come on, it's too late."

The man burst out in a cold sweat, "it's obvious that the other party has been plotting for a long time. As soon as he made a move, he immediately spread the statement to all the networks. All the major websites, news and television in Cherry Blossom country are broadcasting the statement There are also foreign media, which are all reporting. "

"Damn it!"

Ao Xun was furious. He slapped the table and scolded: "fight me, mobilize the fleet, and attack the temple. I see how many missiles their magic barrier can block us! If ten rounds are not enough, one hundred rounds. If one hundred rounds are not enough, nuclear bullets will be thrown! "

Once the word nuclear bomb comes out, all cherry blossom people's faces change again.

Among hundreds of countries in the world, cherry blossom country is the only one that has been bombed by nuclear bombs

And it's two.

Now, how dare you throw a nuclear bomb to blow up the temple of ISI?

"No way!"

Those councillors who were in favor of the prime minister and who were crazy about flattering the prime minister have now jumped out against it, blushing and necking.


With a cold glance, he suppressed the momentum of these people.

"I'm afraid The other side is ready, not even nuclear bombs. "

"There is a paragraph in the other party's statement that is aimed at us," said a beautiful official with a bitter smile

"What's that?"

"The cherry blossom kingdom is the territory of the great Royal God. Any foreign forces must leave within one day."

“…… How bold

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