Godly Choice System - Chapter 3871

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:35:17 AM

Chapter 3871

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Alice bit her silver teeth and pulled the woman apart. Before Qin tianmeng got angry, she stood on tiptoe and looked down at her.

Without speaking, the aura of the palace is enough to frighten Qin tianmeng!

"Keep going."

Li Yun took Aili's hand and continued to walk towards the valley.

Only now did Ruina wake up and catch up with Li Yun: "Mr. Li, do we have to move on now? I feel... Bad! It's too dangerous in there. "

It was only half the way to the mountain. Without even seeing the so-called pyramid, so many people died, and they were crushed and killed. Although the real strong man didn't do anything, the hidden danger in the valley was frightening.

I didn't see many powers. Now they all stay in the same place. I don't know whether to keep going inside or fight and turn around to escape.

Rina is a little uncertain now, so she comes to ask Li Yun.

"Of course."

Li Yun nodded calmly, "aren't we here for treasure? I'm not willing to leave without seeing the pyramids. However, if you are afraid, you should organize people to withdraw. I will not participate in it, and it will not affect your decision! "


Rena hesitated even more, but there were already several ranks of powers who chose to keep up with Li Yun.

And Rena also recognized that the leaders of these teams are all strong, including Wuke, the metal controller, West, the wind power, and a few others who are not weak. They all choose to keep going inside!

Influenced by them, many powers also made the decision to follow.

The strong move forward, and the weak run away without confidence, and can only move forward.

"Elder sister, it's better to follow that man for a while."

Amy put forward his own proposal, "anyway, if we encounter any danger, we can go to the sky." He pointed to the sky, "would rather face the bat than walk in this valley!"

Rena took a look at her teammates. Seeing that they had no objection, she nodded slowly and said, "OK, let's move on, but the next road will be very dangerous. Let's cheer up and don't leave the team easily. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

The huge team continued to move forward into the valley. Compared with the high spirited before coming, the atmosphere of the people was obviously depressed. They were crushed by this strange Valley and killed so many people, which made them understand that their power was nothing in front of the relics of ancient times.

At most, they struggle more than ordinary people before they die.


All of a sudden, someone screamed again, and everyone knew that it was the monster that lurked under the ground.

"Li Yun!"

Alice in front of a flower, Li Yun disappeared, she subconsciously yelled.

Her answer was an earth shaking roar.

Li Yun flashed to the attacker's side and hit the ground with his fist. His dark blue fist collided with a monster underground.


All the people around were blown up, and a huge hole appeared on the ground. The blood burst out with the fire, forming a 20-30-meter-wide pit!

At the bottom of the pit lies a tattered mummy, wrapped in white cloth, showing two blood red eyes, shriveled, weird and mysterious.

The crowd was dismayed.

Look at the mummy at the bottom of the pit and Li Yun.

I took a few breaths.

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