Godly Choice System - Chapter 3883

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:35:00 AM

Chapter 3883

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The Scarab suspended in front of Qin tianmeng seemed to realize that he was trapped and kept making sharp squeaks. Its mouth was the biggest difference between Qin tianmeng and dung beetle.

Ordinary dung beetle, the mouth is just a simple mouthpiece, nothing special.

But the Scarab's mouth is long with two sharp teeth, it seems that it is used to drill into the human body, digging in the flesh and crawling terrible weapon!

However, the power of a single Scarab is still too small. No matter how hard it struggles, it can't escape after Qin tianmeng decides it is in the air.

"Hell... Nether... Power, for my use... See."

Qin tianmeng whispered a mantra. Li Yun didn't really hear it. He only saw a drop of bright red blood oozing from her white fingers, slowly flowing to the scarab, and flowing all over her body along its dark armor.

The shrieking Scarab quieted down.

Li yunshennian glanced at it and found that it began to spread a faint black smell, which invaded its whole body.

"Is this the skill of animal Tao?"

Li Yun knows that there is a division in liudaomen called animal way, in which all the evil practices are related to insects and witchcraft. He once went into an abandoned mental hospital with Gong Qingyu and Gong Lianyi, and had a battle with a certain insect for more than 20 years.

"What do you think?"

Qin tianmeng said with a smile: "how can I learn those messy things? This is a kind of spell, which can track the souls of dead fish, insects and animals. It can also be used to track the traces of being manipulated

Li Yun said with a smile, "that is to say, you don't know the scope of this spell, do you?"

Qin tianmeng's smile suddenly froze.

What Li Yun said is true. There are too many magic skills handed down from ancient times in the six gates. She just learns them. Of course, it's impossible to study them in depth.

Just feel useful, dead horse as live horse doctor, but Li Yun this bastard also to expose her!

"I'm too lazy to explain to a fool like you..."

Qin tianmeng suddenly perceives something and turns to look out of the valley - the place where she and Li Yun walked together before, and out of the valley when they came in.

"What's the matter? What did you find? " Li Yun felt that his perception was not weak, but he was estimated to be a little worse than that of the six saints.

"Hello, that woman!"

Qin tianmeng called out to Alice, who was still fighting, and Joanna, who was protecting her: "do you really see that so-called pyramid in the valley?"

Li Yun's hand, for the two women to block those who are still crazy influx of scarab, so that they can answer Qin tianmeng's question.

"Well, why ask that again? Let me see. "

Alice took a breath, put her spear on the ground and had a rest. Then she said, "I don't know exactly, but I can ask for you."

With that, she yelled at the people around her and said it was Li Chaoren's meaning.

The question was quickly answered, and no one heard that the so-called pyramid was in it!


Li Yun picked an eyebrow, understood her meaning, looked at Qin tianmeng and asked, "do you mean that the pyramid is outside the valley, we have been misled?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!