Godly Choice System - Chapter 3892

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:34:46 AM

Chapter 3892

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After many years, a huge statue was cut off from its legs. The two remaining legs became two huge stone pillars, and even the soles of its feet were buried.

Alice couldn't help sighing: "in BC, I don't know how magnificent this statue was, but now there are only two legs left. Li Yun, whose statue do you think this is?"

It's just a casual question. It's a chat between lovers. What Alice is asking for is not the answer, but talking to Li Yun.

Qin tianmeng answered first: "it's just a Pharaon who is going to revive. It's useless to know this. We'll kill him and raise his ashes to see how he will revive!"

Alice didn't get angry. Instead, she laughed at her. The smile was full of some teasing smell, which made Qin tianmeng feel guilty.

"I'm not right?"

"No, Miss Qin, your words are very domineering, and I agree with them."

"Let's go then!"

Qin tianmeng strides forward. After a fierce battle, her red dress is still as bright as ever. Her bright red figure is out of place with the empty Temple covered with yellow sand.

Alice's smile didn't fade away. Instead, she beat Li Yun to keep up with her step and chatted with her like a chat: "Miss Qin, are you from HuangXuan?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, have you known my boyfriend for a long time?"


Everyone was stunned. Even Li Yun couldn't understand why Alice wanted to chat with Qin tianmeng. Did she just want to make a friend?

"Come on, let's go in!"

Li Yun also followed the two beauties and walked towards the middle of the two stone pillars, or, to be exact, the crotch of the huge statue.

The entrance of the temple was opened under the crotch of the huge statue, which is the characteristic of the ancient Pharaonic state.

In addition, there is a special custom in the ancient Pharaonic state that no other nation has, that is, men in the whole country are allowed to grow beards!

From humble servants, civilians, nobles, and then to the sacrifice, the Pharaons, all had to shave their beards, and the aristocrats and the Pharaons and other ruling classes needed to shave all their hair.

Including hair, armpit, beard, the bottom and so on, all have to be shaved.

But in the celebration or some kind of sacrificial ceremony, the Pharaons and nobles would wear false beards and long hair to symbolize their rights and status.

It's like Li Yun now pushes open the gate of the temple and sees large stone carvings on both sides of the temple. As long as they are human faces, they will be accompanied by a long piece of stone representing the beard at the chin.

In the modern western world, the wigs of those judges were also influenced by the tradition of the ancient Pharaonic state.

Unfortunately, the modern Pharaonic Kingdom has long been a land of change, and the ancient Pharaonic Kingdom has long lost its culture and tradition.

"This is the interior of the temple?"

Qin tianmeng, who entered the temple of the ancient Pharaonic kingdom for the first time, looked around with a little curiosity.

The inner space of the temple is very large, and not surprisingly, there is a ten meter high stone carving at the end of the hall, and the road continues to stretch down, and you can't see the end at a glance.


After Li Yun and his party entered the hall, the heavy stone gate of the temple suddenly closed. Then, one after another, the pillars of fire began to burn, which made everyone startled.


Woody took out a discus and threw it at the huge stone, but the stone gate didn't move except for the loud noise.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!