Godly Choice System - Chapter 3955

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:33:18 AM

Chapter 3955

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Li Yun continued: "in addition to further proving the excellence of human beings, do you still find it?"

"What did you find?" Sphinx asked almost subconsciously.

"Humans are dominant in the murals on the left and right!"

Li Yun pointed to the contents of a mural and said: "including the war between gods. For example, this mural not only shows the power of gods, but also emphasizes that human beings are the main body of the war between gods. The more gods win the support of human beings, the greater the territory they will gain. The initiation of the war between gods is also caused by the friction between human beings!"

The expression on Sphinx's face was so wonderful.

Li Yun went on to say, "after the gods have fallen asleep, human beings are safe and sound. After many years, they still live well, and have developed to billions of people. The technology they have created has even achieved the effect that may not be achieved by using the power of the gods!"


Sphinx finally found a reason to refute.

Li Yun said with a smile: "maybe, but I have sufficient reasons to believe that even if all the gods in ancient times revived, human beings still dominate the world. The reason is very simple. There are enough human beings and enough creativity. There are too few gods and people. God can only depend on human beings, unless... Gods want to exterminate human beings!"

The crowd was shocked.

Sphinx is silent, it knows that the gods will not exterminate human beings, many people have a good relationship with people, but also trust human beings, even if all kinds of things happen.

Li Yun opened his mouth and was about to say something, but Sphinx said, "human beings, your answer has convinced me. Maybe in the future, I will go to the outside world to have a look."

Li Yun eyebrows pick, this monster... No, this Sphinx, it is very crisp.

He was about to ask something, but Sphinx dropped a word and disappeared again.

"There is a hateful man on it. You have to be careful of him. I'm leaving. I hope you can answer my question next time."

They all looked at the huge Sphinx monster disappearing in front of them.

"This guy... Really just left?"

Alice couldn't believe it, but after looking around, she didn't find it. The exit and entrance also reappeared, and some light was restored in the hall.


In the face of Alice's suspicious eyes, Li Yun could only shrug his shoulders and said he didn't know.

"Mr. Li, indeed!"

Wook flattered wildly, "if it wasn't for Mr. Li, we would have answered wrong. Now we have to face the monster with unknown strength. Mr. Li is really our Savior!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li is so powerful. He is not only powerful, but also intelligent. He has directly conquered a mythical monster!"

"Too strong, Mr. Li!"

"How powerful, Mr. Li ~ ~"

Alice said the last word and looked at Li Yun with a smile on her face.

"Come on."

Li Yun gave her a helpless expression, "it's also powerful on the mouth... Oh, not only on the mouth, but also in other places."


Alice didn't quite understand, but she always felt that this guy was thinking strange things again.

"Keep going."

Li Yun walked towards the exit, and the crowd quickly followed.

With the experience of this successful solution, and the previous example of Li Yun leading them out of danger, in the later journey, all the people were very forward-looking and carried out the order in the whole process.

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