Godly Choice System - Chapter 4221

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:26:53 AM

Chapter 4221

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But to Li Yun's surprise, Wan nishang didn't get angry. Instead, she was quite proud: "that's because I'm powerful. You stay in Yinsheng Valley all day. You don't know what's going on outside!"

Li Yun was relieved. At least they were willing to talk.


"It's not because there's a traitor in Yinsheng Valley!" fanlinglong said

Wan nishang glanced at her and said, "I told you long ago that people in Yinsheng valley would have fallen apart if it wasn't for those cultivation resources. After all, people have desires, but Yinsheng Valley asks them to live in seclusion. Who can stand the loneliness? It's normal to have traitors. "

Although it is ironic, it gives fanlinglong an analysis of the problem of yinshenggu, which can be regarded as another kind of concern.

However, fanlinglong was not a vegetarian either. He retorted on the spot: "I'm Yinsheng valley. Your six gates are in a mess. Everyone in the house of snakes and mice will accept them. Those bullshit dignitaries hide outside one by one and listen to the tune but not the announcement. No wonder after Penglai Island, all the bees have dispersed."

Wannishang said with a smile, "I don't mind how you scold liudaomen. Snake and mouse nest is also true. However, I don't think Yinsheng Valley is any better. As far as I know, there are at least five people colluding with liudaomen, such as the white crane Taoist. Am I right?"

She looks at Li Yun. Of course, Li Yun nods. The white crane Taoist is still at home. He seems to be old friends with qianhun. Li Yun is too lazy to go to him. He will be disposed of next time.


Fanlinglong didn't speak any more. In the past, Yinsheng valley was so chaotic that she didn't want to take care of it. She hid in seclusion and devoted herself to teaching Qingsheng.

Li Yun breathed a sigh of relief, at least after the two people communicate, there is not too much anger.

As a result, he took the initiative to act as the initiator of the topic, chatting with two women who have lived for hundreds of years and nearly 1500 years in total. From their mouths, he learned a lot of anecdotes and enjoyed listening to them.

When he arrived at the airport, Li Yun boarded Xiao Mingzhu's private plane. Gong Lian wanted to buy a private plane and put it in custody at the airport to facilitate Li Yun's travel. However, after Xiao Mingzhu knew about this, she transferred her plane to Li Yun and gave him priority.

Li Yun doesn't have the idea of buying a private plane urgently for the time being. We'll talk about it later.

The plane took off smoothly. Li Yun and five beautiful women sat in the living room of the private plane, looking at the clouds outside the window and listening to the elegant chatter.

After landing, Li Yun and them took off directly and returned to the valley where Yinsheng Valley is located in less than 10 minutes.

"The three of us won't go in."

Wan nishang looked at fanlinglong with a smile, and his eyes looked like a fox.

"Yes, too."

With a peach blossom fan, Wan Qingfei covered her mouth, looked at fanqingsheng and said, "so that after we go in, sister, your family will drive us out with weapons. If it comes out that the holy girl of Yinsheng Valley and the holy girl of liudaomen mix together... Tut tut."

Fanqingsheng glanced at her and said, "it's OK, just say you're reformed."

Wan Qingfei's expression froze.

"Ha ha ha."

Wannishang laughed and said to fanqingsheng, "our baby daughter is so cute, isn't she, Linglong?"

"... go away."

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