Godly Choice System - Chapter 4231

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:26:38 AM

Chapter 4231

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The truth has come out.

"Are you worthy of your imprisoned wife?"

Wanqing imperial concubine shrieked.

But she remembers that in the fifth life, his wife didn't want to perform reincarnation magic for him, so she was imprisoned by him and died.

When people looked at the Lord, the atmosphere became cold and solemn.

"... over the past thousand years, I've been sorry for too many people."

After a long silence, the LORD spoke slowly: "my first wife, the prime minister's daughter, is very kind to me. But once, when I saw my concubine taking off her shoes and washing her feet in the back garden, she showed an amazing expression, and then persuaded me to come round with her."

Combined with what happened before, Li Yun understood what happened: the concubine who escaped from liudaomen wanted to experiment with liudaoreincarnation, so he was seduced by taking off his shoes and washing his feet in the lake in the back garden.

The magician's skin is as white as jade. Presumably, the concubine's little feet are also white and smooth. They only show it once, which surprised the emperor who was the official of the imperial court at that time.

"I'm sorry for cigarettes, too."

The LORD said again: "she gave birth to me. She recognized me from my eyes when I was born, and she guessed the function of the six samsara mirrors. But she didn't dislike me, nor was she disappointed. Instead, she left me with her. When she raised me, she treated me like a mother and a wife... After many years, Yan'er sacrificed herself to integrate samsara with me. I'm sorry for her."

"I'm sorry for Xiaoru, too. She's very timid. She always refuses to do so after I know what happened. I comfort her, but after she is 60 years old, I can't wait. She's just an ordinary warrior. If she doesn't give birth, she can't give birth to the next me. So I imprison her and cheat her that if we fail, we will die together... She believes it."

Everyone is silent, Wan Qingya is very uncomfortable, that small Ru, how can be so silly? Sixty years old, or stupid? No, it's not. She just gave up her life to fulfill her husband

"I'm more sorry to Xuemei... Your Aunt Mei."

The Holy Lord looks at fanlinglong. Xuemei in his mouth is Aunt Mei of fanlinglong and the daughter of the former leader of Yinsheng valley.

In fanlinglong's original cognition, the Lord is Mei's son, but actually, the Lord is not only Mei's son, but also her husband!

"Xuemei is a lively and cheerful girl. She trusts me very much. I said I had to join liudaomen, so she believed me. She helped me break through the void and led me to Yinsheng Valley to meet her father."

"Later... After I got married, I told her the whole story. She was shocked. After thinking for a few days, she forgave me, but she told me not to continue this kind of thing."

"It's just that... I'm not reconciled. After returning to the void, I can do more things. I reincarnate my soul and become my child and her."

"She... Should have found out."

The LORD looked at fanlinglong, who clenched his fist and looked like he was about to collapse.

Li Yun put his arms around her shoulder and comforted her.

"Yes, Aunt Mei found out!"

Fanlinglong coldly looked at the LORD: "she is very sad, standing alone on the edge of the cliff, standing for a long time."

The LORD was silent and sighed for a long time.

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