Godly Choice System - Chapter 4265

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:25:45 AM

Chapter 4265

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Li Yun put it into his mouth again. Anyway, the raw materials of the pills are not valuable. This time, 50 or 60 pills were produced. It's not harmful to eat one.

"Well, the taste is not bad." It's not delicious, of course.

Li Yun felt it for a while, looked at Shangguan Lingxian with a smile, and said, "it should have been successful. At least I can feel some power contained in it after taking this pill. As for whether it was made by you, I don't know."

"I'll try it, too!"

"No," he said

Raspberry hands and feet very quickly, before her Lingxian sister stopped her, she also stood on tiptoe to get a pill from the pot and put it into her mouth without hesitation.

After a while, a lovely little face with fragrant sweat and messy hair was directly wrinkled into a bitter gourd face. She cried and said to her Lingxian sister: "it's so bitter... As expected, whether it's pills or potions, they are all so bitter. Li Yun, you big villain, cheat me!"

With these words, the pill had already played a role, making her sweat all over her body, and soon her face turned red with heat, and her little face was covered with sweat.

"Come on, go and meditate."

Shangguan Lingxian is full of heartache. She wipes the sweat for Xiangmei, so she wipes it with her sleeve. She doesn't dislike the sweat of Xiangmei getting wet on her clothes. "This kind of pill is a pill to strengthen the body and help people cultivate. It doesn't matter for Li Yun to eat it. He has strong strength. You're not here the day after tomorrow. How can you eat it all at once? Go to meditate and digest the medicine

"Wuwu, OK, OK, I'll meditate in the herbal yard."

There was more and more heat flow in the body, and fragrant berries were a little flustered. They went to the side of the wooden house, on the stone steps under the eaves, facing the setting sun and the herb garden planted by Shangguan Lingxian, and meditated.

However, there is almost nothing to meditate on the day after tomorrow. Rubus just sits down and tries to control the heat flow, vaguely following the method learned before, controlling them to go through a circle of meridians, so that the heat flow can dredge the blocked meridians in her body and gradually bring her more powerful power.

Shangguan Lingxian carefully looked at Xiangmei's expression, and was relieved after confirming that she was OK.

And then I was happy.

"Li Yun." She lowered her voice and didn't want to disturb the meditative raspberry, but her voice was still very excited: "I seem to be... Successful?! Sister Linglong's plan is successful! "

"Well, look again."

"Mm-hmm, I'll take one too. According to my previous inference, the effect should be..."

Shangguan Lingxian also used his fingers to pick up a pill in the iron pot and put it under Qiong's nose to smell it carefully. Then he stretched out his soft tongue and tried the taste of the pill.

Li Yun's throat moved, and he almost wanted to hold her and taste her.

However, there is still enough time for him to try the taste of Shangguan Lingxian TANKOU.

"Well, it seems..."

Shangguan Lingxian finally let the black elixir into her mouth. Li Yun didn't stop it. After all, it was the elixir she refined. Even if it was poisonous, she should try it. Otherwise, what she did was useless.

If it's poison, Li Yun has no way to solve it. There are hundreds of small and medium-sized antidote pills on him, which are enough for her.

With the recovery of aura, the two big elixirs around him, heiyudie and little princess Yongning, also reduced their use of elixir. Now they don't need to take one pill a month, and little princess Yongning only takes one pill when she needs to be sober.

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