Godly Choice System - Chapter 469

Published at 19th of February 2022 07:00:35 AM

Chapter 469

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At this time, the prompt of the system suddenly rings, and Li Yun's consciousness slows down in this instant. He can see clearly the unknown object that his fist almost collides with.

It is a beautiful butterfly less than two fingers wide, rich and dark like speckled ink.

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to select:

option 1: kill nine winged Black feather butterfly on the spot, reward all attributes + 10000, additionally reward one divine level skill and one colorful level equipment.

Option 2: choose to let go and train her to grow up (the nine winged Black feather butterfly needs to eat something rich in energy to grow up), reward none, and an extra Zhuji pill (limited to the use of the nine winged Black feather butterfly), and the host can obtain the feelings of the black feather butterfly. "

Li Yun: ---

He slowly put out three question marks in his mind, and the system gave him a problem again!

There is no doubt that this is a life multiple choice question, kill or release?

After killing the nine winged black feathered butterfly, Li Yun immediately got an unprecedented super reward, which was as high as 10000 points of all attributes, plus God level skills and colorful equipment. These three kinds of rewards were extremely cool!

Moreover, this is the first time that the system has given him two additional rewards. It can be seen that God level skills and colorful equipment are absolutely very strong.

But the second option made Li Yun very confused.

"She? The system says that the nine winged black feathered butterfly is a human being and a butterfly with intelligence quotient? "

Li Yun looks at the butterfly and ignores its appearance. Li Yun sees its eyes with his superb vision.

That pair of eyes is very small, but very bright, like a newborn chick, looking at him anxiously and curiously, the eyes are like looking at his father.


"Get the feelings of the black feather butterfly? Does that mean... "

Li Yun did not want to deviate to other places, but another possibility - this butterfly may have just been born!

After thinking for a long time, Li Yun finally failed to kill this strange butterfly in her affectionate eyes.

Yes, this butterfly, maybe it really has intelligence.


Li Yun's fist stopped abruptly. When the fist wind blew forward, the black feather butterfly did not move. It floated quietly in the air and landed on Li Yun's fist mischievously. Then he flew up again and came to him and looked at him one by one.

"Ding, the host makes a choice and gets a zuki pill. The nine winged Black feather butterfly regards the host as its father and mother, and asks the host to feed the new-born black feather butterfly every day."

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry, and his mother? It doesn't hurt Dad!

New born animals in nature will take the first sight of the moving object as their mother, which is imprint learning in animal behavior.

Li Yun has seen an experiment. It is said that this kind of learning with imprinting will make small animals have a incomparable feeling of respect and love for the creatures they see at the first time. It is very magical.

I can't imagine that this insect has a high IQ, but it still retains this characteristic.


Gong Qingyu exclaimed, "what a beautiful black butterfly!"

All the people looked at the nine winged Black feather butterfly. The moment they saw her, they were shocked by her beauty.

The posture is light, the two pairs of wings are as smooth as silk, the color is a very magical nine color black.

Yes, black can also show the appearance of color, that is, the so-called colorful black.

This is a kind of black as the background color, combined with colorful lines to form a very beautiful color. The black feather butterfly gently flapped its wings, but the dark wings reflected the color of the brilliance. It was really beautiful.

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