Godly Choice System - Chapter 473

Published at 19th of February 2022 07:00:28 AM

Chapter 473

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"This Is it? "

Gong Qingyu hugs Li Yun's arm in fear. Gong Lianyi is also uncomfortable. She hides behind Li Yun, and some dare not see this horrible picture.

This kind of horror is different from what I saw before.

The poisonous insects gnaw at the corpses of human beings, which makes them feel a kind of sympathy.

In addition, these insects are very dense, which is easy to cause a dense phobia, a very disgusting feeling.

"It seems that Mo liang? "

Li Yun is not sure. He patted the barbed wire. Suddenly, the poisonous insects scattered and fled.

From the performance point of view, these insects have not completely become Gu insects, otherwise they should be extremely belligerent and will not be afraid of Li Yun's fright.

Maybe Yu Lisheng wants to cultivate a powerful poisonous insect in the barbed wire with traditional ways.

"It's really him!"

After the insects dispersed, Moliang's body with scars was revealed, which had been bitten by insects.

But what's terrible is that insects don't bite his vital points, such as neck, heart, artery, head, etc., which are not bitten by insects.

This leads to Mo Liang unable to move, die and die, can only feel his own flesh and blood bit by bit bit bit bit by bit.

This terrible treatment can be compared with the ancient torture: execution at a high speed.

Perhaps more terrible than lingchi!

The left uncle swallows mouth saliva, "let the insect specially slowly kill him, also be a link that cultivates Gu insect? This How cruel

Seeing this behind the scenes, he completely gave up on the cultivation methods of Gu insects.

Killing Moliang makes the insect more cruel. It may also absorb his despair and resentment before his death and gnaw at his soul after death.

All this is to cultivate more powerful insects!

Such a vicious method, I believe that as long as the human nature has not disappeared, the remaining trace of people will not do it!

Only the most maddening killers, with completely distorted personalities, can do such cruel things.

"What do you want to say?"

Mo Liang is not dead, Li Yun saw his lips move, as if to say something, a pair of eyes, showing a look of despair, become no glory and vitality.

"Kill, I?" Liao Hua learned lip language and understood what Mo Liang wanted to say.

The crowd was silent and seemed to have no opinion about it.

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to choose:

option 1: use small recovery pill to save Mo Liang and let him accept the trial of law, reward justice value + 300, white gift bag * 3, medium recovery pill * 1.

Option two: ignore, reward nothing.

Option 3: kill him personally, reward justice value + 100. "

The system again gives the choice event, Li Yun did not hesitate, directly shot and killed Mo Liang (hillwin pistol bullet has recovered one shot).

To be sure, saving Mo Liang can get more justice, but he has no hope of survival. The psychological shadow of being bitten by insects is too big. Killing him is a relief.


With a shot, Mo Liang died.

Li Yun's heart was silent for him. When he was connected with the six demons, he was doomed to die.

Is it not for death that an ordinary person who practices physical condition is involved in the world of learners?

"Ding, the host has made a choice, and the reward (justice value + 100, additional bonus charm value + 5) has been issued!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!