Godly Choice System - Chapter 580

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:58:05 AM

Chapter 580

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A gun shot, bullets whistling out, time seems to solidify at this moment, everyone present seems to be in an ice cave, the world perceived by the five senses becomes extremely slow.

In this extremely slow moment, the coffin of the strange man in black suddenly burst out, and a black liquid like a dragon leaped out.

When they opened their mouths, they seemed to be able to see their lips opening slightly, while the opposite black dragon was very fast.


The black dragon is majestic, with a huge mouth, biting at bullets and Li Yun, the whole tomb chamber seems to roar.

But the next moment, carrying the bullet with the effect of destruction, it is hard to get into the body of the black dragon.

In a flash, the dragon was frozen, as if someone had used the technique of immobilization, and then the huge body disintegrated.


The black dragon turned into fly ash, and the gold glaze was surprised to find that the black dragon was made of black water. No wonder Li Yun's pistol shot it!

In other words, the monster in black is behind the scenes of controlling Blackwater!

Li Yun's eyes are indifferent. When the Dragon disappears, he sends out a bullet again, which penetrates into the body of the black clothes Monster without any resistance.


The powerful bullet flew several meters from the coffin of the monster in black. It rolled on the ground and hit the wall before stopping.

From the beginning to the end, in addition to controlling two zombies and black water, the black freak did not use the means of active attack!

"Your plot has been revealed!"

Li Yun drank in a cold voice and walked forward slowly with his gun. Jinliuli followed him with a sword of Cinnamomum camphora in his hand. Alice thought about it, and she followed with a short golden spear.

People trembled forward a few steps, with a light, only to find that the strange man in black had always closed his eyes.

Oddly enough, this guy is 50 or 60 years old, but his hair is dark and thick. What's more, his two eyebrows, which are the same dark and thick, hang down on his chest, longer than the eyebrows of the white browed eagle king!

Seeing his strange appearance, the third master was frightened and trembled.

It's just the opposite of him!

"Is he dead?" Wu Maoping said a word from afar. Where does he dare to pretend to be forced now? Li Yun's performance has already made him dare not say another word.

Jin Liuli looks at Li Yun, and Alice also looks at Li Yun.

"Dead? These practitioners have very strange methods, and it's not easy to kill them. "

Li Yun's expression was cold, and he drank again: "if you don't die, just roll up for me. I'll count three times. If you don't get up, I'll directly explode your body!"

For a while.

"Jie Jie Jie, cough!"

Just when people thought he was dead, a strange laugh sounded, but then a few coughs, which indicated that the man had run out of oil and the lamp was dry.

"Your plot has been revealed." Li Yun said indifferently: "you want to occupy the tomb of General Xu, but unfortunately, we are here, doomed not to succeed!"

Jin Liuli looks confused. How does the villain know these things?

"Ha ha ha."

After spitting out black blood, he struggled to sit up and looked at Li Yun and others with his vicious eyes:

"you are all going to die!"

"Not only are you going to die, but your family, your friends and relatives, they are all going to die too!"

"I swear that when I take down this tomb of the emperor of heaven, I will kill you one by one Grey


Li Yun shot him in the head.

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