Godly Choice System - Chapter 600

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:57:39 AM

Chapter 600

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Jin Liuli can't help but smile, but she doesn't know that Li Yun actually talks to the zombie. She is curious.

"Is that what he said?" General Xu, who is three meters high, looks at the black browed Zun with sharp eyes.


The black browed Reverend also saw Li Yun's plan. He just wanted to kill with a knife. How could he let this boy's plot succeed!

Moreover, with his present weak state, he can't beat the three meter tall stiff!

The two sides launched a fierce debate. The black browed nobleman quipped that it was Li Yun's thunder that led to the opening of the palace gate of the Golden Gate Palace. Jin Liuli called him a shameless villain and a villain.

When General Xu knew nothing about the previous events, he did not know who to trust.

"You mean fellow Gold glazed slender fingers pointed to the Dragon chair, said angrily: "General Xu, you see, this guy uses an awl to insert into the coffin of your monarch, but also quibbles that he is a good man, which is really hateful!"


General Xu turned his head and looked at it. He was very angry. His body was full of corpse gas, which was extremely frightening.

In addition, Li Yun's bullet holes with pistol bullets made general Xu more and more angry.

"You all get out of here!"

General Xu gave a sharp drink, "Whoever dares to run away will be killed, and you will come to guard the emperor's mausoleum."

It turns out that General Xu Tiande didn't want to rebel or build a mausoleum comparable to the emperor's, but the emperor's tomb keeper Well, grave watchers.

The whole face of the toothpick is black. It seems that what the third master knows is not true. This tomb is not called General Xu's tomb at all. It should be an emperor's tomb.

Including the black browed dignitary, they dare not resist. They walk together to the Dragon chair of the Jinluan hall. General Xu's momentum is just like a demon king. It's so powerful!

"Why don't you get down on your knees?" General Xu gave another sharp drink.

But this time, in addition to the black browed Reverend kneeling immediately, the rest looked at each other and stood still.

"Oh, general, you see that?"

Black eyebrow Zun immediately splashed dirty water to Li Yun, "these people are arrogant, have no monarch, no father, have no law and no heaven, act recklessly, deserve no death!"

Kowtow is a great shame to a venerable, but in order to survive, the black browed one can only bite his teeth.

Fortunately, a hundred years ago, he had met many feudal officials, even princes, and knew that these dignitaries liked compliments.

"No, no!"

Li Yun quietly took out the thunder talisman and said, "General Xu, are you from the Ming Dynasty? Now more than 500 years have passed since the Ming Dynasty. The times have changed and there is no monarch in the world. Do you understand what it means? "

"Joke!" The black browed master immediately ridiculed: "the world can't be without a king for a day. How dare you say such bold and reckless words, this is the death penalty of the nine clans!"

Alice had a strange smile.

In fact, she agrees with the old saying of Huang Xuan Kingdom, because she is the princess of the royal family of state y. of course, she hopes that the royal family can be passed on forever.

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to select:

option 1: kneel, reward skill: servile kneel.

Option two: do not kneel, reward justice value + 1000, purple Gift Bag * 1. "

In Li Yun's heart, Gu Jing Bu Bo, this is an event that does not need to be selected. With his personality and personality, he can never do such servile things!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!