Godly Choice System - Chapter 656

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:56:28 AM

Chapter 656

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Brother Hui?

What's more, the tone of "didi" and "didi" was so weak that he was called goosebumps!

-- do not know what the weak is, do not go to the search engine to understand, otherwise, it is easy to open the door to the new world!


Fang Xue obviously couldn't stand it. She managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "I remember. Your name is Zhang Konghui? I still call you Kong Hui. We are about the same age. "

Zhang Konghui nodded his head in surprise and went forward to have a more intimate conversation with Fang Xue, but Li Yun was ready.


Li Yun block in front of him, quietly smile, stretched out his hand and said: "my name is Li Yun, is a high school student of Zhicai, and Fang Xue in the same term."

In disguise, this sentence shows that he and Fang Xue have a different relationship, because now Fang Xue has brought him home, and they are just classmates.

Zhang Konghui did not think so much, but showed a rather proud smile, stretched out his white hand and shook Li Yun:

"Hello classmate, my name is Zhang Konghui, I'm sister Fang Xue At present, he is studying abroad. "

"Did you go to college?"

Li Yun is a little surprised. Zhang Konghui looks younger than he and Fang Xue. He seems to have just been a freshman in senior high school, but he is in college.

Zhang Konghui was very satisfied with Li Yun's performance. He said: "yes, it's hafnium University in M, one of the top five universities in the world."

Fang Xue couldn't help asking, "how old are you this year?"

“…… 17。”

Seeing that the goddess in his mind didn't even remember her age, Zhang Konghui's complacency suddenly broke down. Looking at Fang Xue in pain, she said, "sister Fang Xue, I studied so hard just to graduate early, take on the responsibility of a man, protect you from the wind and rain, and work hard for you..."

"Cough!" Li Yun coughed.

Zhang Konghui stopped and looked at him unhappily.

"It's a nice day today."

Li Yun stretched out his hand and held Fang Xue's little hand and gave the beautiful man a smile: "it's suitable to meet the old man in law."

Fang Xue gave Li Yun a white eye, but her beautiful face was full of happiness.

"The weather is fine, my father-in-law What do you mean

Zhang Konghui felt puzzled. After seeing Li Yun leading Fang Xue's hand to the villa, he suddenly realized: "you mean you came to see the old father-in-law? No, you, you, you

You've been old for a long time. Zhang Konghui almost can't breathe. The next moment, he yelled in shock: "sister Fang Xue, do you have a boyfriend?!!"

There was a shout, and everyone in the villa heard it.

When Li Yun leads Fang Xue into the villa, the scene is no less than that when he ascended the hall in ancient times. He sits on the high platform with neat and serious county officials, standing on both sides holding sticks and making vicious yamen servants. The solemn atmosphere is enough to make people feel weak.

However, Li Yun was quite calm. His divine sense glanced around him and frowned slightly. Then he quickly unfolded and took Fang Xue forward. He nodded respectfully but not politely and said hello:

"Hello, uncle Fang, good aunt."

Li Yun first said hello to Huyu and a middle-aged beautiful woman standing beside him. Then he turned his head and looked at an old man who looked at him and looked very angry and said:

"Hello, grandparents, uncles and aunts. My name is Li Yun. I'm Fang Xue's boyfriend. Today I'm specially here..."


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