Godly Choice System - Chapter 714

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:55:17 AM

Chapter 714

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"This Cough

I know that Li Yun and I are mutually beneficial. Maybe they don't care about each other. But maybe they don't care about me.

For example, I killed a venerable and two disciples of the six demons, and she didn't seem to be angry, which made me very strange

Wan Qingfei said that she thanks Li Yun for helping her kill a venerable, but Li Yun can't believe her words rashly, so up to now, she dare not look for her again.

“…… You lie

Qingzhu stares at him and says, "how could you, a rookie in the Qi refining period, kill the venerable of the six demons? I ran into them alone, how could you kill them! You must be lying! "

Li Yun shrugged his shoulders and looked at Van Ching Sheng. Sure enough, the open eyed Saint nodded slowly, confirming that Li Yun had not lied.

"How could..." Qingzhu is very aggrieved because he is badly hit.

"My magic weapon is very strong, and the opponent is just weak, that's it."

Li Yun explained a little, but Vatican Qingsheng didn't care about it and asked softly, "what are you going to do now?"

Qingzhu also looked at him, feeling inexplicably some uncomfortable.

"It's simple." Li Yun smiles slightly, "I want to inform Wan Qingfei that we are coming!"


Qingzhu was shocked and his eyes widened.

After a little thought, he understood the purpose of Li Yun's doing so. His doubts disappeared. He looked at him with a faint smile: "OK, please inform her. I'll wait for her here."

This sentence is extremely overbearing, as if to reproduce the amazing battle between the two saints of Yinsheng Valley and the six demons. Fanqing Sheng, as the saint of Yinsheng Valley, once again challenges the demons of the six demons!

Qingzhu's breath is tense. If the saint and the Wanqing concubine fight each other, the situation will undoubtedly be very unfavorable to the saint.

After all, this is the territory where the six demons have been occupying for many days. Besides her, the saint has no foreign aid!

If the evil girl sends someone to besiege him, I'm afraid the saint

"No, no, I can't think of it like that!"

Qingzhu shook his head suddenly. The saint is the most powerful one. She must be able to defeat the six demons!

Li Yun was also shocked by the heroism and boldness of the Vatican, and said in his heart that he was worthy of being a saint!

"If Wan Qingfei comes, I will choose to help you."

Li Yun smiles and gives her a very positive assurance.

The strange emotion in Fanqing Sheng's heart became more and more intense, which undoubtedly stirred her heart and made her think about the meaning of the word "friend" again.

It's just that Wan Qingfei is also his friend.

"Why help me, not her?" He was puzzled, so he asked.

"It's very simple, because the six magic gates are not good things!"

Although he doesn't know whether the hidden holy Valley is good or bad, at least the Vatican Qingsheng gives him a good feeling.

After sending a short message to Wan Qingfei, Li Yun imagines the evil interest. I don't know if she will jump up when she sees this message.

"Ding, the host chooses to die. Rewards: exp. + 1 million, strength, agility + 5000, purple Gift Bag * 2."

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