Godly Choice System - Chapter 724

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:55:00 AM

Chapter 724

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In front of the desk sat a middle-aged man about 40 years old, short and fat, wearing a pair of glasses, looked very smart.

Hearing the cry, he looked up and was immediately shocked by the beauty of van Ching Sheng. Only when Li Yun and Li Yun walked by, did he get up in a hurry.

"Beauty, er, no, miss, I wonder if you are..."

Zhou zhuguan glared at the captain of the guard with his eyes, indicating that he should introduce the beauty quickly.

"This miss fan is the master's aunt!"

"Pooh Hee hee, cough, cough, cough

The guard captain's solemn introduction made her laugh again. Seeing the crowd looking at her, the little servant girl quickly closed her mouth. Her face was red, and she tried to laugh and hold back. It was very lovely.

"Master's aunt?" Zhou zhuguan looks at the captain of the guard with an idiot's eyes, pushes his glasses, and his eyes flash with a flash of light at Li Yun.

I'm afraid these three people are not good at coming!

"Yes! Director, although Miss fan is young, she is actually over 80 years old, because she cultivates the self-respect in heaven and earth, which leads to her rejuvenation A day is a year Seventeen days... "


The captain of the guard told the story in a disorderly way, which made the supervisor very angry. After interrupting him, he said coldly, "have you consulted the five elders?"

"No, No

"No? If you don't dare to let someone in, I think you are looking for death! Get them to me soon

After a cold drink, Zhou took a greedy look at fan Qingsheng and his servant girl Qingzhu. These two beauties were definitely the most beautiful beauties he had ever seen, and they still appeared on his territory. Without biting off a piece of meat, he tried to find out what it was like to be a fairy like beauty, and how to be worthy of his efforts to climb to the position of feihumen deacon.

Living in a high position is not for power, money and beauty!

"I see who dares!"

Li Yun a cold drink, so that the surrounding atmosphere suddenly silent down.


"Miss Fan and I have obtained permission to check the production situation here. You can contact the elder to confirm."

"But before you get in touch with the leader, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise!"

After dropping two threatening words, Li Yun motioned to Vatican Qingsheng to keep up, and the three people walked around the factory building to check up.

The guard captain and Zhou supervisor looked at each other, especially Zhou, who now began to doubt his own judgment.

"Supervisor, look..." The captain of the guard nuzzled his mouth toward Li Yun's back, and said cautiously, "these three people dare to face my gun with their back. I'm afraid they are not the experts in the natural environment, or they are really the leaders. But what is so easy to see

In feihumen, there are several elders and taishangchang. The rest is the day after tomorrow.

After that, it's hard for the warriors in Tianjing to resist a few submachine guns!

"Or, maybe." Don't let any of the people in charge take out the phone first! Look, you can, but you can't take it away, OK? "


The captain of the guard took people to catch up with the three people. Li Yun didn't care about him and continued to look around the factory.

First of all, it is the place where the wood is stacked. The wood is strange in shape, with roots, trunks, branches, and all parts. Moreover, the age of trees varies from 20 years to hundreds of years. One of the huge trunks is as thick as five people, at least 500 years old!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!