Godly Choice System - Chapter 747

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:54:25 AM

Chapter 747

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Looking at the noisy crowd, the car that was blocked so far away that there was no limit to it, and listening to the sound of horns one after another, Qingzhu, the little servant girl, finally realized that she had made a big trouble.

It would have been even worse if the lady hadn't stopped the robber in time.

Killing people on the street is a felony in every dynasty and generation!

"Saint, I'm sorry." Qingzhu looked at her pitifully.

"Next time." Van Ching Sheng warned her a little and then said, "let's go and let the officers and soldiers deal with it."

No matter how powerful her magic power is, she can't solve the problems in front of her. She can only leave and wait for the event to subside.

"Mm-hmm, leave right away. No one knows that I did it..."

Qingzhu's words stopped and looked at Liang Shao sitting in the expensive red sports car.

Liang Shao's face changed immediately. He wanted to show a flattering smile, but he couldn't smile.

"Hum! Mortals, this is not to be said, understand

Liang Shao nods wildly.

"Also, do you want to buy this jade hairpin?"


A 50 million bank card was thrown out of the car.

A second billion credit card was also thrown out.

Then there was the mobile phone, and there was a weak word: "the password is 493973427, there are seven million in it, two beauties No, both fairies, you may turn away

Qingzhu's small face was black. He took the saint's hand and left, muttering: "what are these things? You want to change my hairpin if you don't have money? Think of it

Liang Shao found that not only the robber, but also another person urinated.

"My God!"

After the two fairies left, Liang Shao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He felt a sense of emptiness. If the road had not been blocked, he would have driven a sports car to run for his life. The two women who knew the immortal method were too terrible!

The chaos on the road gradually subsided and the traffic started slowly.

Although some people have taken pictures of upside down suspended defecation, after all, there are single aircraft in the world. Many people who see it think it is this kind of thing. In addition, there are many modern people who kill and make fun of it. Therefore, most people laugh at it and do not cause any disturbance.

The man who robbed was carried to the Bureau. He was so weak that he couldn't urinate. He was scared for a long time.

But when he woke up, he only told himself to rob others and never mentioned the matter of handstand suspension.

Wang, an important leader of China Shipping city and director of the General Administration of China shipping, inquired about the case in person and Liao Hua, and finally found out the general process of the matter.

"Fairy? Hidden holy Valley

With a wry smile, director Wang sealed up the record of the case and set it to S-level encryption, which means that only a small number of people can read it. The rest of the people can only see an ordinary robbery case. In addition, the ordinary case of using a single aircraft to carry out modern behavior art and cause traffic congestion.

"Chief, how should this man be judged? According to the ordinary robbery? " Someone asked.

Director Wang pondered. The people named fanqingsheng and fanqingzhu had no major fault. Besides, they probably didn't want to come to the bureau to cooperate with the investigation of the case.

"Convict him of robbery!" Director Wang glanced at the man. "In addition, the loss caused by traffic jam is also counted on his head. Who told him to stand upside down and suspend his urine?"

As soon as this sentence was said, all the policemen laughed, but the robber was dejected.

Robbing 10 million antiques and seriously affecting public safety, at least 15 years in prison.

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