Godly Choice System - Chapter 764

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:53:57 AM

Chapter 764

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After Qingzhu, the servant girl, showed his strength, Mr. Zhou was finally willing to talk about the strange things happened to his family.

"A week ago, my wife and my son went to the orchard in the suburbs for an outing. When I came back, my son, Xiao Peng, became ill."

"I went to numerous expensive top hospitals, did a complete set of examinations, and looked for many famous TCM doctors, but I didn't find out what my son was suffering from!"

"Up to now, he is still sick, has little food, is in worse spirits, and has not even gone to school!"

After listening to master Zhou's story, Li Yun frowned slightly. Is it a kind of Gu insect?

"Ding, the host makes a choice to understand what happened in the Zhou family, rewards experience value + 200000, free attribute points + 1500, and blue gift bag * 2."

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to choose:

option 1: save master Zhou's son Xiaopeng, give him a small detoxification pill, reward justice value + 1000, intermediate detoxification pill * 1, additional reward free attribute point + 1000. The host can get the favor of Zhou family, which is helpful for future business activities.

Option 2: ignore, leave, reward skill: cold blooded.

Option three: save Xiaopeng, reward: to be determined. "

After getting the previous reward, there was a new choice event. When he saw the third choice, Li Yun was slightly stunned.

Reward to be determined?

"Please fairy Well, I'm sorry. Please help me, Miss Qingzhu! "

Master Zhou bowed to Qingzhu respectfully. He was almost in despair. If his son Xiaopeng died, the whole Zhou family would be in great pain.

Because he and his wife married for ten years before they had their first child, Xiaopeng is almost the only successor of the Zhou family in the future. If he dies at this point and there is no successor in the family, I am afraid that he will never recover!

Although the Zhou family has a lot of collateral, but after all, the collateral is collateral. Who is willing to give his family property to his nephew?

"What do you say, villain?"

Qingzhu looked at Li Yun. Li Yun naturally nodded and agreed: "it's OK to have a look. Let's go."

Qingzhudu opened her mouth. She had come out to find the caster, but she was involved in an accident.

Master Zhou was so happy that he gave thanks to Qingzhu and Li Yun. He always thought that only Qingzhu could cure his son.

When they got to the third floor, Li Yun followed him into the room of master Zhou's son Xiaopeng. He saw that there was a children's room inside. The room was not small, and there were many toys piled up in a corner. Walking inside a few steps, he saw a little boy lying on a hospital bed.

There are several people nearby. One of them is a young woman in her early thirties. She is looking at Xiaopeng with sadness on her face. This should be Mrs. Zhou.


Mrs. Zhou stood up and took a hesitant look at Li Yun's three people: "who are these?"

"Ha ha, madam, this is the fairy I specially invited to see Xiao Peng! Once the magic skill comes out, we will ensure that the disease will be cured by medicine! "

Mr. Zhou is so excited that he talks with a little muddleheaded. Mrs. Zhou frowns, and her husband invites some messy people back!

Several family doctors looked at each other, and one of them stood up and said, "master, be careful!"

Qingzhu glanced at him and snorted with pride.

Afraid of her anger, Mr. Zhou said, "Miss Qingzhu, please don't blame me. Mr. Fang didn't mean anything. I did ask some quack doctors to come here before. They failed to cure Xiaopeng's disease. They also prescribed prescriptions indiscriminately, which made Xiaopeng weaker and weake

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