Godly Choice System - Chapter 850

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:51:44 AM

Chapter 850

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A humble, worth 60 yuan a day in the City Village rental house.

"Holy lady, van Ching Sheng and Li Yun are off

Wu Nengyu raised his head from his laptop and said to Wan Qingfei, who was sitting on the balcony chair basking in the sun.

A few days ago, he stayed in a five-star hotel with Wanqing imperial concubine. He spent more than 10000 yuan a day in a luxury house. But after staying for two nights, he changed to a roadside Hotel, stayed for another two nights, and then ran here again.

Looking around the simple furniture with more than ten years of history, Wu wanted to cry without tears.

He had never come to live in such a rough and dirty place!

But the saint actually lived in peace of mind and leisurely in the morning sun.


The goddess of the six demons, the beautiful lady with beautiful looks and perfect figure, is sitting lazily on the chair with bright and clean cheeks, her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the morning sun, warm and brilliant.

Hearing Wu Neng Yu's words, she just hums in a languid tone.

"Keep reporting!"

Xiao Qing, a servant girl standing beside Wan Qingfei, scolded him.

"Yes, yes, Miss Qing!"

In the face of the twin maid Xiaoqing Xiaolan, although they are less than 20 years old, Wu Nengyu dare not offend them and tell them the situation wisely.

"The whore Fanqing Sheng, she and..."

"Shut up."


By the line Qing imperial concubine suddenly stops, Wu Neng Yu does not respond for a moment, but Xiaolan has figured out the meaning of miss.


Xiaolan throws a slap, and Wu Nengyu immediately has a palm print on his face. He is more confused. Why is Xiaolan beating him!?

"Did you call that bitch? You mean slave

Xiao Lan yelled at Wu Nengyu with his horizontal eyebrows and vertical face. Seeing the anger on Wu Nengyu's face, Xiaolan slapped him on the other side of his face again and scolded: "is it still long? If it hadn't been for the young lady who rescued you, you would have been locked up in the prison by the government.

Hum! I still don't understand my situation. I'll tell you that in the next life, you can only be a slave at the feet of the young lady. You can do whatever the young lady tells you to do, and then you dare to show your face that I won't break your mouth! "

Wu Nengyu's face was blue and purple, not because Xiaolan hit him, but because of this humiliation that he could not bear!

"My sister is right." Xiaoqing also said: "you hackers, miss want to look for as many as you want to look for as many as you want, honest to do things, eyes again disorderly aim, I will dig it out!"

Wu Neng Yu was frightened by the vicious words of the two shrewd servant girls. He immediately lowered his head and did not dare to look at them directly.

"Well, you go on. Don't miss the show." Wan Qingfei chuckled and said, "in addition, you've broken the law, and I've rescued you. You can't leave in five years. You have to work for me. However, if you do a good job, I can't give you some rewards! "

If it had been before, Wu Neng Yu would have looked at her with burning eyes when she heard this slightly ambiguous sentence. After all, the appearance and figure of the imperial concubine Wan Qing were first-class.

But now, Wu is burying his head lower!

"Holy lady, it's my honor to serve you. I dare not ask for rewards!"

"Ha ha ha, you are really Cheap. "

Wan Qingfei laughs and is very satisfied with Wu Nengyu's performance.

"Li Yun, Li Yun, you won't think that I hired hackers to monitor you. Tut, the Internet camera is very useful."

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