Godly Choice System - Chapter 890

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:50:42 AM

Chapter 890

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"Give it to me!"


"You are a villain. If you beat you, I will eat you!"

Black feather butterfly issued a declaration of justice, incarnated as a small eagle, constantly diving and crashing, fiercely pounding back and forth at the bone ghost Taoist priest. With a pair of small fists, he was covered with bags and had no resistance.

Li Yun was very surprised. The nine winged Black feather butterfly he adopted seemed small. He didn't expect that the body was so hard that it could be hard to remorse the steel body.

"Damn it, get up for me!"

Forced by helplessness, the Taoist priest of bone ghost can only forcibly recite the incantation and make the five corpses lying on the ground change into corpses.

Originally, these corpses were the materials that he intended to refine into high-level corpse refining. Zhang Xing, in particular, was not only a martial artist of the day after tomorrow, but also died of resentment after being tortured for one night.

Using his corpse to refine high-level refining corpse, we can surely produce a powerful refining corpse.

But a series of follow-up development, his abacus all chaos, now bone ghost Taoist can only be forced to use these after moves!

"Roar! Roar

The five corpses trembled, opened their eyes suddenly, and let out a roar of zombies.

In the distance, when the village head saw his grandson sitting up again, he was surprised for a moment, but he soon thought that his grandson Zhang Xing could not be alive.

The only possibility is that the corpse has changed!

"My poor grandson! There's no peace after death. Damn song and yuan, blame him! "

Zhang Dehuai, the village head, has a nose and a tear. He can't even keep the whole body of his grandson.

Unfortunately, the song and Yuan dynasties have not been found, which makes the village head hate itching, he did not notice when the song and Yuan fled.

"Butterfly, I'll help you."

Li Yun smiles and is very satisfied with the performance of the black feather butterfly.

Even though the black feather butterfly's strength is not so good, Li Yun will continue to raise her. After all, Xiaodie is cute and cute, and it is heartbreaking to call him Baba.

But the black feather butterfly has the strength to contend with the enemy, let Li Yun quite a kind of overjoyed feeling.

"Zhang Xing, and a few of you, offended!"

Li Yun apologized and entered the war with his sword. He ran the divine Jiuyang Tianjing, and the whole body radiated heat waves. Each sword could cause great damage to these incomplete zombies. Within a few moves, a few zombies completely collapsed, and their heads were cut off and they could not move at all.

But this has won a little breathing time for Taoist gugui!

"Two damned fellows!"

Taoist gugui took a pill out of his heart. After taking it, his hands slowly recovered some dark, and the whole color of his popularity became better.

He was staring at the black feather butterfly with his narrow eyes. At the next moment, he drank a lot, and his body suddenly moved like a tiger biting. In an instant, he rushed to the black feather butterfly flying in the air.

"Be careful!" Li Yun only came and called out, and Taoist priest Gu GUI had already rushed to the black feather butterfly.

"Little thing, die!"

He hates the black feather butterfly very much. This little thing is extremely flexible and powerful. The small body contains such a powerful power. If you give her some growth in the future, I don't know what kind of insect it will become.

I'm afraid that even if the giant python in the hands of the Reverend master of the animal road is not more powerful than the little girl whose width is no more than two fingers!

"Ah, here comes the black one!"

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