Published at 16th of December 2022 07:21:39 AM

Chapter 1389

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Song Zhiyun was stunned and doubted that he had heard wrong!

Who lost everything?

Who is she referring to?

Lin Hanxing coldly looks at Song Zhiyun, and is obviously not ready to answer her questions. After dropping this sentence, Lin Hanxing also slowly gets up and is not ready to stay too much.

At that time, yuan Shaojing's two knees were broken by yuan Shaojing's two children, so that he could leave yuan's house like a dog. Except for his aunt Mian, no one else could help him.

For thousands of years, no matter how history changes, human nature has never changed!

Song Zhiyun, I'm looking forward to your choice


When he got back to the car, uncle Hai had sorted out all the materials and handed them to Lin Hanxing for the first time.

After a brief review, she had a new understanding of yuan Shaojing's business ability.

Just because he saw the rising trend of sugar prices in the international market, he was able to enter the international sugar market. In a short time, he successfully controlled nearly 80% of the sugar markets in Singapore and Malaysia!

At its peak, yuan Shaojing alone controlled 10% of the global sugar market's total trade!

At the same time, he also led the yuan family to become the richest Chinese in Malaysia!

And this position has been monopolized by the yuan family to this day!

For Lin Hanxing, apart from yuan Shaojing's relationship with aunt Mian, his ability, vision and pattern can make her appreciate.

After all, aunt Mian was brought out by yuan Shaojing!

"Yuan San's wishful thinking is good!"

Lin Hanxing leans all the weight of his body on the leather seat with a curved corner of his mouth.

Yuan San is really a man who has no great wisdom, but constantly has little wisdom.

Until now, Yuan San did not give up the covet of Yuan's control, but learned to find the best time to trouble Lin Hanxing, the successor appointed by yuan Shaojing!

"If I can solve it successfully, I will offend the second princess and the forces behind her. If I can't solve it, I have reason to explain to the board that I have no qualification and ability to manage the yuan family!"

He won't be able to bear the loss!

Waiting for the benefit of the fisherman!

This side of the conversation is just saying, but the mobile phone sends the prompt sound of FaceTime.

It's from Eric Zhan Nan Heng.

Lin Hanxing easily connected, and soon the video screen over there spread out on the screen.

"Sure enough, someone moved the jewelry box!"

Zhan Nan Heng's lovely baby face is occupied by frost at this time. His eyebrows are full of sharpness and murderous spirit. Anyone would be frightened to see it!

"Well, don't scare the snake."

Compared with Zhan Nan Heng's excitement, Lin Han Xing didn't have any light opening of emotional ups and downs.

Maybe it is her calmness that makes Zhan Nan Heng calm down.

"No matter when, you can be the calmest one!"

How to listen to the voice of exhibition South Heng, how to all take the stock to say not clear road unknown lonely.

Lin Hanxing didn't speak.

In the past, she would only choose to ignore, but I don't know when she learned empathy.

"Because I can't make any mistakes."

Lin Hanxing's control doesn't allow her to make any mistakes, so she can only estimate the worst possibility of everything before the other party does something to calculate her.

Over time, it becomes ability.

"Not at all."

Video over there of exhibition South Heng hear this words is a Leng at first, then loosen eyebrows.

"That man is a confidant who has been with the princess for many years. He has been dormant all the time. Who wants to..."

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