Published at 11th of August 2023 07:18:40 AM

Chapter 471: Small charity

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Chapter 471: Small charityAh Cy was prepared to see Yu Dong's flushed expression but she was doomed to be disappointed because not only Yu Dong wasn't angry, she even shot her a smile as she said, " Is there something wrong with it? My husbands put their life on the line so that my family name doesn't die out, if I can't even feed them properly in return, doesn't that make me worse than an animal?"          

When Ah Cy's husband died, he was severely malnourished even though he started to get heavier and heavier with the passage of time, he was so hungry that there came a time when he was willing to do menial jobs like washing the dishes and sewing clothes for others in exchange of some meat and vegetables.

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