Half-elves Fall in Love - Chapter 862

Published at 29th of June 2022 07:02:59 AM

Chapter 862: Visit of the Whores 10

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I ran and tried to get back to the "fuck room", because it was thick, so I crashed into the ground from the face once, and when I went out to wash my face, I got dirty the other way around, and it got a little silly, but in the sense of waking up, I was able to accomplish my purpose, so okay, anyway, I run again and jump into the "fuck room".

"Oh, hey, I'm not sure what I experienced!

"Oh, my God, you're hurt."

A swollen breakcore jumps out of bed fluttering and hands on my face.

Warm light gushed out of Blakecore's hand under his sight and the pain on his face rubbed against the ground disappeared softly.

Medical optics. Exactly what I use for this degree of injury is the original usage.

"Oh, thank you"

"So what. Is there something so hasty around here?"

"Ho. I didn't just get a little voice from the elves. What makes you panic so much"

Lila looks surprised as she scratches up her hair.

Would you have heard Lyla's hearing? No, I guess that's all I can think of if I just heard it by ear.

"Kick, I suddenly showed up and suddenly disappeared! That's not normal!

Breakcore and Lyla with faces that don't get the guidelines.

"An elf girl... no, maybe it's a man, but it's young... no, maybe it's an elf or it's not young, but anyway, if you give me a warning under my feet and thank me, just disappear with no footsteps"

"What are you talking about...?

"Oh, my God. Would you have made him work a little too hard? Maybe he's too sleepy and confused."

Breakcore is terrible. Well, I did try a lot.

"I mean, that was yesterday, too! Actually, I saw him a little at Diel's, too, that girl! Something's wrong with my eyes."


"Lyla, you were definitely watching, that's the girl! That kid was suddenly disappearing back then, and it's weird, maybe a ghost or a spirit or something like that."

"What is a ghost...?

"It's not an occasional joke in the outside world. That the dead roam the fluff and its surroundings without flesh, and suddenly speak out and threaten people."

It's not a joke. It's called a suspicious conversation.

I mean, is breakcore ghostly an unfamiliar concept?

There were certainly some post-mortem fantasies for the elves, but I wonder if trying to break core would only leave the realm of paranoia. I'm a worldview resident of death and resurrection.

"If Lord Lyla is also watching, why don't you contact Diel to find out? The fact that you two were watching is no longer a hallucination, and there's no way that the spirits were really in this mess."

Irina gets up stretched like a cat and tries to go outside naked with a single collar.

Catch him in a hurry.

"Oh, what, you haven't fucked enough yet"

Don't leave naked.

"In the room, the swimmers are like the potatoes. Clean yourself up outside, then get dressed and you'll get dirty."

"So when you leave like that, people will see you!

"Never mind. Guess who'll see it anyway. I thought you were wearing a collar.

"That's not the problem."

Irina is also waking up to exposure madness......

It doesn't seem that the magic of cleaning a dirty body without water or erasing the smell is anything else difficult.

When I said there was no such thing, Christie and Selene immediately called everyone.

I think I might be able to do something like Mr. Hilda or Lyla if I want to.

I don't even think about cleaning dirty rooms, then I go to Diel's and talk to him.

"... oh. You're the kid with the eyes covered."

"That's not my delusion, is it? No, maybe it's real. I'm actually a little unsure."

While I'm at it, I don't know what kind of consent I'm trying to get.

I'd expect a little bit that mystery legend like that might be spoken out of Diel's mouth.

But this village, it should be less than two years old, so I wonder if there's a legend. It doesn't seem like the story that Blake Core isn't pinning is telling the elves only.

"That kid... well, yeah. It's hard."

"... eh, are you there?

"... why do you look so disappointed. That's real. But a little."

"Oh, my God, don't say that in a strangely catchy way"

"... yeah. Uh, where did you explain it from... no, I wasn't sure if I could explain it."

Diel puts his finger on his forehead, and after a while, this time with his hand on his hips, he turns back, and after another while, he wraps his arms around him and twists his neck to roar.

"Okay. Talk to me first. This is what you want to do in the woods."

"... you know, to Christie"

Diel only opens one eye and looks at Christie. Maybe he was expecting a help ship.

Weirdly seco... he's humane in a way.

And then we go a little further and create an audio junction, and the two of us start talking.

"Can't Irina find out, huh?"

"I don't know, because even if I speak to Diel straw, he treats me like a child. I dare you to give in."

"Diel's not the chief of the family anymore, so I'm sure he's in a better position."

"I know it's troublesome, and it's not self-destructive to drag you out until you take your position as a shield. I don't know what you're talking about, but all of a sudden I'm gonna take over all the blame."

Apparently there's quite a rush to delicate issues.

... After a while, Christie did a trick to unravel the audio kingdom.

"... I know the general circumstances.... It's a little embarrassing and it's certainly cruel to have Diel standing on the arrow"

"What are you talking about after all?"

"... besides half an elf, there are kids who get treated like that in the woods. That's what I'm talking about."

Selene moves her ears perfectly. The expression is also frightening.

I finally figured out the contour with that word, too.

… I mean, if we keep talking, we'll have to condemn the expansion of the rights of the discriminated (half-elf) people in the woods.

I'm talking about that kid being in that position.

If you talk about it foolishly and honestly, Diel will be like the bad guys on his own as the representative of the elves.

Even though we've become somewhat familiar, I also know a little bit about Diel's idea that he doesn't want to take on that role on his own with me and his fellow opponents, who are bringing a lot of power and dragons.

"Okay.... Christie, talk to me."


I have heard many times that half elves are called "mixers" in the woods to be scorned and eliminated. That's how Apple became a wanderer.

But other than that, there are unwelcome "insides" in the woods.

The long-haired daughter in the example is in that capacity... so she came to this labyrinth village.

It's not like they have a strong desire to go outside, either, because they don't want to go to the town.

They've been treated uncomfortably for a long time.

There's only one reason you're not excluded like a half elf.

Because she was the immediate great-grandson of the chief of the family. Otherwise, it doesn't seem strange to have been banished from the woods for so long.

"It doesn't have to be half... yeah, but is there any reason why it should be even though it's not half?

"... beast simulation. Or, darkness simulation. It is unlikely that the special physical traits that are said to be present in the elves…"

"That's some nasty word."

"Yeah.... my eyes, they're adapting to the darkness. So when I look at it from an angle, it looks oddly glowing. That's why she's hiding her eyes."

"... oh, that's all?

"That's all.... but as an elf who weighs pure blood, having such a child is nothing more than a call for suspicion of the mistakes of our ancestors. I fear that they may have drawn the blood of dark elves and beasts."

...... hmm.

Long time ago, I felt the darkness of the elves come out.

Sometimes chest shit is bad, but on one side I don't think I feel like running into that kind of behavior or understand it......

If you think you have the eyes of conservative clan chiefs at the clan council or tough, stubborn people like that phaser...... if you have a child like that, you may have no choice but to try to protect it.

Of course, I can assure you that if I get a lot of allies right now, I'll protect my kids.

But if my birth were to be in this elf forest, determined by a clan chief with a stiff head like that Gaston and an unpleasant personality, and not only myself but even my parents and brothers because of the birth of a child with strange traits, would I really be able to protect my child?

... What a sign of growing up that I sympathize with the weird feeling.

"… I have previously done an investigation and found that this characteristic appears to have a slight chance of being born to any family, including the Southern lineage, and of being deported or killed at an early age. I mean, it's a common story, it has nothing to do with blood stains."

"Did you even do that research?"

Irina gives half the impression and half the face.

I hear Christie is a brilliant scholar, but I don't think she's studying this kind of pinpoint.

but christy has a cool face.

"When I was looking into the relationship between 'chi' and birth, it was the result of a recent study. I wasn't in a hurry to come to a conclusion, so I've found many other hidden stories about the relationship between the branches."

Scholars are amazing.

"Anyway, she doesn't seem to be too close to any other elves in this labyrinth village for that reason either.... Sometimes my research and recommendations aren't very accepted, but from what I've heard, it's still not easy to change a species called Elves... but I guess there are"

Smaller and mocking himself.

"And that kind of telling you her story... would push the forest problem on you again," Diel feared.


"Even though you solved a number of forest problems. As the two names" Heroes of the Woods "say. … before I can fulfill my reward of contributing to the development of the polka, I am worried that I will be forced to give it to you again after years and years of trouble."

"Trouble... just asked what kind of qualities"

"Can you leave a woman with no place, equal treatment to a half elf?


Now I'm gonna put my hand on my forehead, my hand on my hips, and I'm gonna turn away, and I'm gonna put my arm around and I'm gonna lean.

No, I don't actually have a reason to go in...? That is an exemplary answer that magnificently avoids the problem.

I was just surprised at her appearance. I just asked if it existed.

Nothing weird. I wouldn't have enough edge to deepen my involvement.

... but can I just throw it away and mess with it?

I've been advised not to fall into the creek, so I don't know if I should at least invite you to the polka.

But suddenly I don't know if I should step in there. Wouldn't it be too tame?

Anyway, that's all I wanted to do in the "fuck room". Regardless of whether they peeked at me or not, I would have been able to see what I was doing out of my relationship with the women.

You're only supposed to think they're after inviting you with that knife to give back, and even the example of the Princesses of Run, who have been a messy thing with a far-fetched invitation, is still new to my memory.

Now, what is the right thing to do?

What action am I expected to take?

... I've been worried about it for a while, changing my pose over and over.

"... All right"

Decide your mind.

Looking back at the breakcore.

"... uh... can I have a message?

If you're interested, we'll talk about it properly next time.

That's all there is to a dialogue that isn't critical and nasty from me in my current relationship.

So that's all I'm going to ask Blakecore to tell me.

Now is not the time to stick your neck in the elf territory without looking at it. Bringing Mr. Isabel back to the polka is the first step.

I should be able to rest more calmly than this elf forest, and I need you to lead all the other whores.

... so I leave the Sacred Beast Labyrinth as I wave my hand back out the window from the top of the temple cabin to the breakcore that will always wave.

"It was a lot of cultural shock."

"Haha...... well, isn't it okay to study that there are also such land and such holy beasts"

Selene laughs as she and Isabelle go next door. He's going to treat me well as my guest.

"I wonder if you won't have sex while flying home."

"Let's just calm down and go home. That's all I did yesterday."

"Andy, you might have had plenty of it, but Dr. Hilda, you could have done more."

"Please weigh yourself down. Andy needs a rest."

"... right, right. Quickly tighten your belt, you insatiable mature bitch."

"Ko, I'm not going to just be adjusting this because it was too tight and painful!

Well, it's not even a bluff, but I was wondering if you could just let me sleep a little.

... and when I tried to get back to bed, I fluttered and chibi lira appeared on my shoulder.

"Lord Owner"


"... I just noticed that there are signs of the roof door being opened."

"... Huh?

You didn't have time to open it this time.

After staring at each other for a while, I was strict.

"... descent"

and declare.


"... ah"

If you look inside the attic, you'll find a stowaway sitting in a triangle.

Glimpse from the back of your forehead in the dark, elf girl.

"... er"

"............ the"

We stare at each other for a while, and for now we ask Selene, who was lying next to us, for help.

Selene looked in trouble, too.

"That's not where we ride, so how about the room downstairs?

"... Yes"

In the meantime, the message was going to go to waste.

(cont 'd)

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