Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2113

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:12:07 AM

Chapter 2113

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There are hundreds of millions of planes in the star world, and the vast majority of the world has the birth of guardians.

Similar to the Saiya planet invaded by the abbalut empire before, there are only a few cases where there is no guardian in the Qingyang world in contact with Locke.

Guardians are often accompanied by the prosperity and prosperity of a world.

The stronger the world, the stronger the guardian.

This is a two-phase complementary mechanism. The guardian dedicates his life to the mother plane, and the mother plane will naturally feed back to the guardian with corresponding rules and strength.

This is also the reason why the annihilation Earth Dragon can persist for so long in the face of the attack of an eight winged angel.

After the annihilation Earth Dragon fell, the title of guardian naturally fell on the mummy elder, the strongest in the prisoner world.

In terms of dedication to the maternal plane, the mummy elder is definitely not a qualified guardian.

In its long and long life course, most of the time, it is spent in the way of sleeping.

This is a common disease of all dead creatures. As the "dead", sleeping is the end result of their life.

"Undead riots" are only exceptional cases that occur in a few cases.

It is this characteristic that makes the guardian of the prisoner world annihilate the Earth Dragon with more risks to the mother plane, rather than the most powerful mummy elder.

Even in addition to the mummy elders, there are some five level peak mummy elders and dead kings who are more powerful than the annihilation Earth Dragon in the prisoner world.

The reason why the title of guardian did not fall on these people's heads can only be said that this is the choice of the plane's will. (vertical and horizontal starting)

The vast majority of micro planes in the star world have an ignorant basic judgment ability.

At the lower world level, there began to be more clear joys, sorrows and joys.

As for the plane will reaching the medium-sized world level, its personality is further complete, and even in its external manifestations, it is no different from ordinary intelligent creatures.

It is expected that there will be deeper changes in the plane will of the large world, but so far, the plane will of these large world rarely appears in front of outsiders.

In the wizard world, those who are qualified to contact the will of the face must be at least level 5 or above.

Not enough, even the strong above level 5 may not be able to touch the will of the right side.

The communication channel between these top powers and the will of the wizard world mainly relies on two sun and moon guardians as intermediaries.

Now, the title of guardian of the prisoner world, after annihilating the Earth Dragon, falls on the head of the mummy elder.

From the perspective of the medium-sized world level of the prisoner world, this must be the choice of the plane's will.

When the world of prisoners is at a critical juncture of life and death, the mummy elder assumes the title of guardian. Naturally, his personal will places great hopes on the "savior".

If the mummy elder, who was originally a level 6 power, not only enjoys the inherent convenience of fighting in the prisoner world, but also gets the additional blessing of the guardian's special rules, then this dead creature may directly play to the level of level 6 peak power.

This is also the reason why the light Protoss has just solved the trouble of annihilating the Earth Dragon, followed by another trouble.

It not only has six levels of life, but also has the special blessing of the guardian rules. At this time, the state of the mummy elder in the prisoner world is the same as that of Gaia, the Titan God, in the Titan world.

You know, Gaia, the original Titan God, can be ordered 329 in the Titan world and the wizard world at present, and a chapter needs to be added.

I'm too tired today, only three watch. This month, Xiaodou pays his debts first. It's almost finished in the middle of the month. He has a headache.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!