Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2332

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:06:56 AM

Chapter 2332

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Although Locke is not an ambitious knight, he is definitely a principled knight.

In Locke's creed, everything needs to start and end.

Since his trip with Benjamin and others has not ended, how can he give up halfway.

Moreover, Locke, who got some information from the Titan God, the one eyed God and the hundred armed God at the peak of the fifth level, also wanted to go to the evil marsh star field far away from time and space.

Only when you go out can you understand your smallness.

For the monks of Qingyang world, just going out of a corner of Qingyang world is enough to open their eyes and understand the vastness and grandeur of the star world.

For knights such as Locke who have participated in many ectopic wars, he can only get the nourishment for his growth by moving further away from the wizard world and exploring the depths of the unknown starry sky.

Is the level five Knight really the end of Locke?

It has to be said that with the growth of strength, status and life, Locke's ambition is also quietly spreading.

If you don't try, how can you know your limits? Locke is curious about what interesting scenes he will see in the next star world tour.

Locke's answer is very concise, but the strong self-confidence and deep wild hope expressed behind his words are clearly seen by a person with an exquisite heart like master sarafa.

Master sharafa naturally supported Locke to explore more distant star regions.

How big the heart is, how big the world is.

The vast majority of knights and magicians in the wizard world will travel to the star world to broaden their horizons after being promoted to level 4.

Among them, magicians above level 4 pay the most attention to this journey.

The more broad-minded people, the farther they choose to travel.

Hundreds of thousands of years of travel is not uncommon in the wizard world.

Locke has only been away from the wizard world for a hundred years, so his words "travel has just begun" are also true. (vertical and horizontal starting)

To attract master sharafa to exist like this, Locke naturally does not rely on his so-called "handsome appearance".

In addition to the desperate rescue at the beginning, Locke's own responsibility and courage are also the place to attract master Sara FA.

When looking at Locke's heroism at that moment, master sarafa couldn't help jumping in his heart.

Unlike Locke's efforts to suppress his dirty thoughts, master Sarah law is much more magnanimous.

She looked at Locke with appreciative and soft eyes and a smile.

When Locke finished answering and looked at master Sara again, he was embarrassed by master Sara.

In fact, since entering the private bedroom, the atmosphere between Locke and master Sara law has been somewhat subtle.

Also at such a close distance, Locke found that master Sara law was no longer the level 6 strong man, but the man who wandered with him in the dark star domain.

The closeness of distance and mentality makes Locke's brain and body disobedient.

In essence, Locke is a lecherous man.

Otherwise, he would not have so many wives, and most of the maidens in the mansion were top-notch exotic girls.

Like master Jos, there are many strong people who love one person in the wizard world.

Most magicians only recognize one partner in their life, but knights are much more indulgent in this aspect. In terms of the number of women they have, Locke may even be no better than a small knight.

Why are there so few women in Locke?

It's not really what Locke said. It's enough to have women such as Angelina.

In fact, the rapid improvement of strength and life span makes Locke have no primitive desire to conquer on the road of pursuing the opposite sex.

Conquering and being conquered is an eternal topic for hundreds of millions of planes in the star world.

This includes not only the conquest relationship between the two worlds and races, but also the male conquest of the female.

There are no fewer beautiful maids in Locke's family. Why Locke never started, naturally, is because these "weak" women are like chewing wax to Locke.

Maybe even Locke didn't realize that he was more interested in those excellent women who were higher up.

This is also clearly that disciple meimila secretly loves herself, but Locke is "stupid" and has not found this friendship for a long time; Xiaoxue and Xiaoyue, the two pet demon kings, have already taken the attitude of picking, but Locke has never started.

Of course, people will become, especially men.

Maybe one day in the future, Locke changed his taste.

Not only do you like those excellent and powerful women, but also the weak and lovely ones?

Although the atmosphere in the bedroom is subtle, Locke can't do the feat of losing his mind and raping a level 6 caster!

Master sharafa is not Kaila in those days. He can take whatever he wants when he loses his mind.

What's more, Locke hasn't lost his mind yet.

Locke wondered if master Sara would throw him into the light forbidden spell and take a bath if he really dared to do some untimely impulses.

The inner thoughts of master Locke and master Sara are naturally not known to outsiders at this time.

At least one is a new level 6 magician in the wizard world, and the other is also a well-known level 5 knight.

Soon, the two people who adjusted their emotions talked about other topics.

"I'll give you two pieces of advice for your trip to distant star regions." Said master sharafa.

"First, if you encounter any difficult problems, you can come to me directly. This bright stone will continue to form an ultra long-distance cross plane communication between you and me." Master sharafa handed Locke an elliptical energy stone with dazzling light and said.

The complex twelve awn magic star array depicted on the top shows that this energy stone is also a valuable magic prop.

"Second, if you are in danger and even I have no time to rescue you, you can choose to hide behind your silver maker." Master sharafa's words are amazing.

If Locke could understand the first sentence, he put away the bright stone.

But the second sentence made Locke a little confused.

Hiding behind man-made people, can we solve the trouble by ignition source?

Maybe he found the confusion in Locke's eyes. Master Sara smiled and said, "your man-made man is not simple. There is another little guy in addition to the fire source."

"Who?!" Locke's face shook.

As a level five knight, he didn't find the anomaly of the man-made man before. It's really incredible.

"It's inconvenient for me to tell you what it is. I once met the little guy and his master behind him with Lord atlas. In short, if you encounter sudden and unsolvable danger, the little guy may be able to help you open up the situation." Master sharafa smiled.

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