Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2342

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:06:39 AM

Chapter 2342

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Locke believes that Teng snake does not dare to deceive himself, and Locke does not find any doubt from the emotional performance that Teng snake has been feeding back.

Under Locke's subsequent continuous questioning, he gained a lot of other situations.

"Wu Dao civilization" is a new word Locke got from tengshekou.

It is said that in this vast star region, a powerful and unparalleled world - wuzhe world was born, and based on this powerful world, the prototype of a civilization - Wudao civilization immediately appeared.

From Teng snake's limited inheritance knowledge, Locke is difficult to accurately guess what level the so-called martial arts civilization has reached, whether it is a medium-sized world civilization or a large-scale world civilization.

However, compared with the world civilizations he had known in the past, the martial arts civilization with an overall Star area larger than the prisoner Star area, but smaller than the dark star area, should be a powerful civilization with a comprehensive strength between the Titan Protoss of that year.

However, it is such a vast and powerful civilization, but now it is difficult to find the trace of its existence. It has to be said that years and time are the culprits leading a strong civilization to decline.

Years is a pig killing knife. This sentence applies to both an individual creature and a world civilization.

Because eternal glory does not exist, including those top civilizations standing on the top of the star world, will not make such a positive answer.

In Teng snake's subsequent introduction, Locke gradually knew many details about martial arts civilization.

Unfortunately, the glory of such a powerful civilization has little to do with Locke today.

Because as early as he and Benjamin entered the strange star domain named "Turing star domain" (PS; once the warrior star domain), they were marked with the marks of "desolation", "dilapidation" and "decay".

Don't question the evaluation of a certain result by two level 4 casters. Since Benjamin and Margaret both claim that this vast star field has no exploration value, it is really likely that there will be no new discovery.

Even if there are some top treasures or natural aliens like Teng snake in some obscure places, it will only be a waste of time to rely on the strength of Locke to search aimlessly in this huge star domain.

You know, it takes nearly 30 years for Locke and others to cross this star region with the uninterrupted and rapid travel of the magic power space module.

What if we slow down and explore one area by one?

I'm afraid Locke and others won't get anything in 300 years. It's almost the same in 3000 years!

And let Locke and others waste 3000 years in this star field?

Save it. They're not that stupid.

"In the language of our Teng snake family, the word 'kameninte' also implies the meaning of the sacred snake." After introducing the limited information about this star domain to Locke, the third level Teng snake returned to its original introduction point.

"Karenin plane... Ha ha, I think the yellow sand plane is more in line with the name of this plane at this time." Locke gave the snake a rare smile.

Now this star field is no longer the former warrior star field. Even its name has been foolishly tampered with by Benjamin as "Turing star field".

As for the warrior world that once represented the peak strength of this star civilization?

Who knows which abandoned planet or broken plane this shattered world is floating on in the Turin domain.

Locke just asked Teng snake if it knew where the warrior world was.

Teng snake finally gives only a vague East.

According to the coordinates of Locke and others moving forward with the wizard world as the benchmark origin, he and Benjamin went straight from the south to the north of the Turin star domain, and now they should belong to the center of the Turin star domain.

As for the East mentioned by Teng snake, if there is no landmark as a reference, they may spend infinite energy and long time just determining this general direction.

Not to mention the use of knowing only one direction.

In terms of the overall area of this star field, Locke believes that Douglas, a level 7 wizard, has to stare if he wants to accurately find a broken plane from the vast star sea.

Of course, as one side, it was very likely to be a medium-sized world level plane. Even if this plane collapses, its "debris" must be very different from the debris of other planes around it.

If you calm down and look for it, what can you gain?

When Locke's expression was uncertain about something, he took out his old snake and could only lie in the underground sand cave in front of him.

Even in order to show respect and avoid the powerful level five God from talking to himself with his head up, the smart Teng snake put his head close to the ground as much as possible.

The performance of Teng snake naturally satisfied Locke. When he recovered from thinking and saw the scene in front of him, he nodded with a smile.

"You are a sensible little fellow. Follow me from now on." In a few words, Locke decided the future fate of Teng snake.

Of course, he found this flying snake together with Benjamin and Margaret. Locke had to compensate Benjamin and Margaret for bringing this flying snake under his command.

His brother also settled accounts. Locke didn't want to make any contradiction with Benjamin and Margaret because of these small interest disputes.

"It's interesting to take me to the place where you were born. The one eyed God and the hundred armed God killed your parents and even swallowed your brothers and sisters, leaving you alone." Locke laughed.

He didn't mind letting Teng snake know that he and his father killing enemy were familiar with the fact.

After all, this is a world that depends on strength, not to mention the strength of Titan gods with one eye God and one hundred arm God as the five-level peak. Even if this Teng snake turns into a pure blood Teng snake, it is probably not the opponent of those two ancient Titan gods.

Snakes are generally cold-blooded, both in their physical composition and their mental nature.

For example, the black eel Viper giant snake warlock family on the west coast of the wizard world. Although Locke has dealt with this family several times, this family still doesn't like Locke.

Even on the whole west coast, the black eel Viper giant snake warlock family has strong strength, but their popularity is also not very good.


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