Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2834

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:56:25 AM

Chapter 2834

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Heiyu, the scenery here is much more pleasing to the eye than when Locke came last time.

Black magicians are not good at cultivating bottom human beings. Although the development of the three continents belonging to black magicians has been slow and stagnant, the natural scenery of the three continents has evolved well.

For example, the prosperous and prosperous human kingdom or principality can be seen everywhere on the continent of St. luo'an in Locke.

At this time, the land under their feet belongs to the black magician and occupies the whole continental mouth. Most of the landforms are primitive forests or giant lakes.

Of course, there are not few human beings in the wizard world bred here.

However, the total population of a large island is only equivalent to the total population of medium-sized or small islands under Locke.

All kinds of Warcraft in different forms run and jump in the forest. They are the cheapest experimental materials for black domain magicians and the biggest obstacle to the development and reproduction of human beings in the black domain.

As a guardian, the guardian of the moon treats the creatures born in the standard plane equally in most cases.

Although Warcraft has gradually withdrawn from the stage of wizard world history, it has been reduced to a foil role under the brilliant civilization created by human knights and magicians. But they are undoubtedly an important part of the wizard world and have left an indelible mark in the history of the wizard world.

Seeing the environment of the black area is better than when I inspected it a thousand years ago, and the mood of the guardian of the moon is much easier.

Now that they have come to the black region, the group of black magicians above level 4 must meet.

There is no need for the guardian of the moon to come to the door. As Locke and the guardian of the moon gradually go deep into the black domain, those black magicians above level 4 will devote themselves one by one.

Baldi, Rodman and kleeney are all Locke's "old friends". They are not surprised to see Locke walking with the guardian of the moon.

Fareen and his mentor Nigel were conducting a magic experiment, so the two didn't show up. They were just accompanied by another level-5 black magician herxiu. (vertical and horizontal starting)

In terms of the relationship with the guardian, level 5 black magician herxiu is undoubtedly the worst black magician with the guardian.

At the beginning, it was the black magician who expressed great resistance to his proposal to move to the western islands. And in his last breath, he left the wizard world and went abroad.

Facts have proved that every black magician who opposes the guardian has no good end.

Level 4 Black magician moster is still playing in the mud in the endless South China Sea. In front of him, if Nigel didn't come to the door to rescue him, he would probably spend the rest of his life in the cage of the Dark Knight Abba.

Although the title of level 5 top Knight abbadang is "Dark Knight", the knight's style can be called aboveboard. He is also the most disgusted one of all level 5 knights in the wizard world.

Nowadays, there are traces of black magicians around the world. After all, where there is white, there will be black.

It's just that those black magicians scattered all over the world are making a small fuss. There is no place with the specifications of the black region of the western islands.

In the territory of level 5 Knight ebadang, no black magician dared to do anything.

In the dungeon of the level five knight, there are many black magicians who are in trouble.

Why abbadan is so exclusive and hostile to the black magician is not known to outsiders.

As one of the three giants of the Erie Knights alliance, the reason why abadang fell to the side of the abalute empire in terms of diplomatic position is also due to the unclean relationship between the Belem Empire and the black magicians in daville.

"Lord guardian." When he saw Locke walking with the guardian of the moon, he Xiu took the initiative to greet him.

The wandering and helpless experience in the star world, the past of being captured by the Dark Knight Abba, and the experience during the war of the wild world group made the level 5 black magician herxiu, who was once a very confident caster, finally recognize the reality.

No matter how powerful an individual is, it is not worth a civilization.

Only when you are helpless in the astral world and even work hard to find a suitable habitat can you realize the beauty of the maternal plane.

Is Hugh a genius? Certainly!

Being the chief assistant of level 6 Black magician Nigel is a proof of his talent and qualification.

But compared with Locke at this time, what kind of genius is he Hugh?

Just less than a thousand years ago, Locke's strength went further in Hershey's impression.

More than 3000 years ago, when the star world first met, Locke was only a level 4 knight who could barely resist in his hands.

However, more than 3000 years later, Locke's strength and power are enough to crush Heshou.

As a caster, or "Scholar", he is good at learning and using for reference, which is also the main advantage of his deep trust in Nigel.

What Locke doesn't know is that Hershey has conducted systematic research and textual research on his growth and rise.

The final conclusion is that this is an extremely smooth and lucky level 5 knight.

The word "sleek" is a derogatory term in many cases.

But here in Hershey, it is his praise for Locke's style of doing things.

It's a pity that he Xiu can't learn Locke's style.

The caster grasps magic, delves into the profound meaning of truth, explores the unknown in the endless river of knowledge, and enriches himself, so as to achieve element qualitative change and rule control.

This kind of people often have a pair of pride. As the best caster, he Xiu must have a lot of pride.

Now he can appear in front of Locke and the guardian of the moon and take the initiative to express respect and goodwill to the guardian of the moon, which is the limit he can achieve.

In the process of greeting the guardian of the moon, he Xiu did not forget to quietly look at Locke who was next to the guardian of the moon.

This level five knight, who can be called a "legend" of the western islands, disappeared for a period of time after the end of the war in the wild world group.

Although Locke reappeared in the western islands 700 years ago, the black magicians such as herxiu did not know where Locke went after the war in the wild world.

Resource distress and information blockade.

Although the black magicians in the black domain are much more free than when they were in the darville area, they also have fewer channels to communicate with the outside world.

Fortunately, the first World War of the wild world group made a lot of waist bags of these black magicians in the black region. Under the supervision of guardian rules, wizard alliance rules and local holy towers and knight halls in the western islands, these black magicians in the black region have been relatively honest for nearly a thousand years.

"Yes, go to another continent." Two months later, after the guardian of the moon inspected the first continent, he Xiu and other black magicians above level 4 flew to another black continent.


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