Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4637

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:12:52 AM

Chapter 4637

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The Lord of light was badly wounded, but she did not return to the realm of light through the gate of light immediately after the battle of domination.

The war between theater 4 and theater 6 next door was still fierce. When the decisive battle in theater 5 was coming to an end, Locke thought again and again, but allocated a certain number of combat legions to assist the two theaters respectively, while he and the Lord of glory did not act rashly.

The Lord of glory has no spare strength. Even Locke needs to help him stand in the sky. How can he have spare strength to fight.

Locke's stability and immobility is based on the overall situation of theater 5.

On many battlefields of the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization at the moment, theater 5 is the superior theater belonging to the bright Protoss.

Sending tens of millions of combat legions to the next two world war zones has made Locke's strength here extremely empty.

If Locke himself leaves directly, what is the significance of the advantages and achievements he has achieved here in the past ten thousand years.


762 years later, the situation in theater 6 took the lead in determining the coffin.

Forced by the two dominant fleets of source energy civilization, aken, the master of the light system, led tens of millions of legions to withdraw from theater 6 and arrived at battlefield 5 with Locke.

With the majesty dominated by Locke, the supreme knight, yuanneng civilized warships dare not easily offend battlefield 5.


After 411 years, the situation in theater 4 finally recovered.

The Fallen Angel Lucifer's great defeat is due to the fact that he can dominate the broken star at the eighth level of civilization and seriously injure him.

Unfortunately, due to the erosion of the war situation in the early stage and the subsequent support of the middle and bottom combat legions, it is impossible to compete with the source civilization army occupying the whole territory.

Although Lucifer won the battle in the dominant biological field, the bottom battlefield was defeated again and again.

Lucifer himself was also forced to coerce other bright Protoss legions in theater 4 to withdraw to theater 3 after taking the star crusher's arm and severely destroying the dominant fleet of nearly half source energy civilization.


The situation in theater 4 and theater 6 made Locke in theater 5 feel a little heavy.

Because the loss and retreat of these two war zones means that the No. 5 war zone where Locke is located has once again become an extremely prominent "thorn head" on the entire bright Protoss front.

In addition to Locke's fierce combat power in the past, it is not difficult to guess that the future source energy civilization will place heavy bets on Locke again.

The bad news from the two war zones next door really affected Locke's mood.

However, on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony, it is not all bad news.

Just 723 years later, the good news of victory came from the No. 2 theater where the endless Lord was located.

The Lord of Infinity has severely damaged the Lord of stars. If the source energy civilization did not give timely space-time assistance to the city of source energy, which is the most precious treasure of civilization, the Lord of stars is likely to become the second level 8 master who fell on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony after the Eternal Lord.

The Lord of infinity and the Lord of stars are both in the late stage of level 8. According to the normal reason, the battle between the existence of this level can really distinguish between the high and the low, but it is difficult to distinguish between victory and death.

Not to mention that the master of the stars is assisted by a dominant fleet of yuanneng civilization, and according to the factors that have been "taken care of" by yuanneng civilization in the past tens of thousands of years, he should not have been defeated, or even nearly killed.

The emergence of this fact, in addition to indicating that the endless Lord is powerful, also makes many masters of the bright Protoss camp, including Locke, guess that the endless Lord must have reached the peak of level 8.

The endless Lord who was originally in the later stage of level 8 can be compared with the master of level 8 peak because he takes the road of proving Tao by force.

Now the Lord of Infinity has entered the peak of level 8 again. His influence and follow-up significance are even greater than the fall of the Eternal Lord!

Following the momentum of the endless Lord's heavy blow to the master of stars of source energy civilization, the situation in Theater 2 is also very good.

Under the leadership of the endless Lord, countless Angel legions have successively impacted the hinterland of source energy civilization.

In terms of the extent of the long drive, the endless Lord of Theater 2 is even more exaggerated and prominent than Locke here in theater 5.

Sure enough, the LORD God is a strong and upright existence. Only such a master can concentrate and embark on the road of proving Tao.

The endless Lord led his angel Legion to march in, which can also be seen as his consolation for the fallen Eternal Lord.

The fall of the Eternal Lord has a great impact on the endless Lord. He needs enough blood and the Legion of source energy civilization to wipe out his regrets.


If we say that the great victory of Theater 2 is a counterattack and war turning point belonging to the protoss of light after the fall of the Eternal Lord of theater 4.

Then, immediately after 115years, the good news of victory from the battlefield of the Supreme God in theater 1 laid the final outcome of this mid-term decisive battle.

Holding the Apocalypse of the treasure of civilization, the supreme god coerced the supreme divine power. After ten thousand years, he finally defeated and re created the God of source energy.

After all, the holy white morning star overcame the purple star. Locke did not personally arrive in theater 1 to watch the war, but only through the pictures transmitted in the bright curtain, we can see the intensity of the battle in theater 1!

After a heavy blow to the God of source energy, the Supreme God did not lead his angel army to advance like a rainbow like the endless Lord.

Locke guessed that in addition to the Supreme God's desire to be conservative and cautious, there was another reason why this happened. I'm afraid that the Supreme God also suffered a lot of damage after he hit the God of source energy.

The fall of the Eternal Lord has a great impact on the light Protoss.

The victories of theater 1, theater 2 and theater 5 did not confuse the eyes of the Supreme God.

If another level 8 light Lord God falls, I'm afraid this dimensional hegemony will completely fall to the disadvantage of the light Protoss.

Therefore, consolidating the current battlefield is the most rational way.

Although the Eternal Lord died, the source energy civilization lost four dominant combat power in this war. In addition, the Supreme God, the endless Lord and Locke successively hit and beat back their opponents. In fact, on the whole, the bright Protoss made money.

The balance of civilization war is gradually tilting towards the bright Protoss.

The three strongest source energy warriors, the God of source energy, the Lord of stars and the Galaxy star, were severely damaged. Other source energy masters and super fleets also suffered heavy losses.

On this premise, the counterattack horn belonging to the bright Protoss is about to sound!

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