Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4711

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:11:15 AM

Chapter 4711

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If the Lord of the rising sun and the Lord of the endless represent two different attitudes towards God, then the three generation angels who were able to participate in this meeting also showed their respective roles.

The military angel sorente is worthy of being a generation of angels valued by the Eternal Lord in those years. Although his strength is average, his ability is enough to equal two level 7 combat forces.

Many aspects of the war plan behind the enemy lines put forward by Locke appear in the form of an overview without too many detailed steps.

But in this interim meeting, the military Angel Solent perfectly complemented Locke's plan.

He not only made a rough estimate of the number of legions required by Locke, but also gave corresponding suggestions on the specific coordinates of Locke's invasion of the source energy star domain.

As for the logistics supplies and Legion replenishment needed in the process of war, Locke doesn't need to worry.

All Locke needs to do is to ensure several stable space-time channels after the source energy star domain has a firm foothold.

If the military angel sorrente makes Locke feel relaxed without worries, then the Fighting Angel Michael and the Fallen Angel Lucifer are likely to be the main dependence for Locke to invade the source energy star domain in the future.

Nowadays, on the dimensional battlefield, although all battlefields are extremely beneficial to the bright Protoss, it is difficult for the bright Protoss to transfer too many dominant combat forces to promote Locke to complete the war plan behind the enemy.

Fortunately, the promotion of the endless Lord allows the bright Protoss to continue to maintain its leadership in the field of high-level combat power.

With Locke opening the war plan behind the enemy, the Fighting Angel Michael and the Fallen Angel Lucifer, two powerful eighth level angels, are likely to be the first forces supported by the light Protoss to Locke.

Of course, at the beginning of the war plan behind the enemy, Locke must be the protagonist.

In theater 3, the ultimate angel is still needed here. In order to avoid the situation on the dimensional battlefield beyond control, it is impossible for the bright Protoss to draw half of its troops directly to the rear of the source energy civilization.

If the final war plan is not reached, on the contrary, the bright Protoss has lost its advantage in the front-line battlefield, that is stealing chicken instead of eroding rice.

This is also the concern expressed by the Lord of the rising sun before and in the middle of the meeting.

"The war in the source energy star domain requires at least a thousand years of support by the Legion led by you, Knight Locke."

"Considering the time flow rate difference between the desperate world and the material star, the specific time is not easy to confirm in advance, which is also one of the biggest variables for us to implement this plan." Sorrente, the military angel, said in a deep voice to Locke.

Solent's reminder made Locke nod.

The difference in time and velocity between the desperate world and the material star has always been concerned by Locke.

This is a special situation beyond the rules of the star world. As far as Locke knows, the time flow rate between the desperate world and the material star world can be maintained at 2:1 for the shortest time and 50:1 for the longest time.

Fortunately, whether it is the shortest or the longest, it is extremely rare.

There is more time difference between 1:20 and 5:20 in the world of despair.

As for the specific number of each time period and how long the flow rate will last, so far, it has not been found by Locke and the light Protoss.

This should also be one of the ultimate mysteries of the star world, especially when it comes to the superposition and application of the laws of time and space. Rao is the master of level 8 peak like Locke, and he can't see the inside story.

Maybe one day the world of wizards who advocate truth exploration will solve the mystery, but now it is still one of the star world mysteries that the dominant creatures are confused about.


The meeting in the temporary main temple of theater 3 lasted 13 years.

After all, this is a war plan with far-reaching influence and exaggerated resources and details, so it is reasonable to take so long.

After the meeting, Locke set off to return to his home in theater 5.

At the same time, Locke also sent messages to kakarot and phantom Riel, who were far away in theaters 11 and 15.

A plan related to the whole pattern of the dimensional war and promoting the trend of the dimensional war can not be completed in a moment and a half.

In the temporary main temple in theater 3, Locke spent more than ten years just discussing the details of the plan with the gods of light, and it may take hundreds of years to implement the plan.

These hundreds of years are the key time for the bright Protoss to carry out material operation and corps coordination in the rear.

It is also an important time for Locke to mobilize his legion and cooperate with the light Protoss to change defense.

And in order to confuse the source energy civilization and avoid the leakage of their war plans, the actions of Locke and the bright Protoss on each line cannot be too obvious.

However, no matter how low-key Locke and others hide, frequent Legion mobilization and dominance appear, which still makes yuanneng civilization tremble.

Yuanneng civilization did not expect that the bright Protoss would launch a war plan behind the enemy.

After all, the two world civilizations are still too far apart. Not only does the source energy civilization not know the specific coordinates of the light star domain, but even the bright Protoss is only a vague concept of where the source energy star domain is.

Great prophecy is strong, but it is not omniscient.

And just knowing the coordinates of the material star boundary is not enough. It is not easy to open up the space-time channel connecting the two distant star regions and maintain its operation and stability.

This also leads to the first consideration for the current bright Protoss and Locke to choose which star domain to invade and conquer.

In the temple of destruction.

Sitting high on the throne of destruction, Locke's fingers are unconsciously knocking on the handrail around him.

Before and after the light Protoss sent Locke seven fuzzy coordinate nodes they determined, while Locke had four.

A total of 11 coordinate nodes are all the information Locke has obtained so far.

What Locke needs to do next is to find at least two accurate coordinates of the hinterland of the source civilization from these eleven fuzzy coordinate nodes.

How did the seven coordinates of the bright Protoss come from? Locke didn't ask.

Locke has four coordinates, two of which are obtained by Locke himself, and the other two are from the phantom Riel and the true spirit wood of the silver lantern who has defected and taken refuge.

In fact, it is not difficult to obtain these space-time coordinates.

If it is a world civilization close to each other, only the residual fragments in the soul information of creatures above level 4 are enough to let other world creatures know the specific coordinates of each other's mother plane.

Like the bright Protoss and yuanneng civilization, the top civilizations that span the infinite star world and I don't know how many vast star domains. If you want to obtain the specific coordinates of each other's parent star domain, it's not enough to just be level 4 creatures!

Only the soul fragment of the dominant creature can support both sides to push back the coordinate information of each other's parent star domain.

For example, at first, Locke got two coordinates from the wreckage of a source energy master and a source energy fleet.

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