Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4714

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:11:11 AM

Chapter 4714

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When Locke and others flew out of the space-time channel, a silent and deep lacquer black starry sky appeared.

It's not that the star domain under the rule of the top civilization is full of numerous life planets and countless man-made satellites.

The top civilization is just an ethnic group born based on the development environment of the star world. Looking at the grandeur and breadth of the whole star world, even the top civilization is just a grain of dust.

The emptiness and solitude in front of Locke and others were surprised for a short time. They soon realized that they should have just arrived in a space under the rule of source energy civilization, and there happened to be no living planet and artificial satellite around.

This blank area is not only from the existence of energy civilization, but also from the wizard civilization where Locke is located, or even more.

Such a situation is also a good thing.

At least Locke was still worried about whether the moment he flew out of the space-time channel had been discovered by yuanneng civilization. He also had to consider how to kill his mouth and ensure that the whereabouts of himself and others would not be revealed.

The surrounding starry sky was empty, and the space-time channel behind Locke and others gradually healed under the compensation of the balance law of the star world.

It is not easy to find a suitable space-time node. In addition, Locke and others must first find out where they are now and where they are in the source energy civilization.

Looking around at the phantom Riel and others, several women now give Locke the right to choose.

After a little observation, Locke pointed and led the people in a certain direction.

The absolute control of power keeps people from divulging any energy.

Like a silent shadow, the group flew towards the depths of the starry sky in front of them.


A few days later, Locke, who has passed through three life planets and more than a dozen mineral planets, has learned that the star domain they are now in is the Sylvester domain, and this is one of the 53 star domains under the rule of source energy civilization.

The source energy civilization has 53 star regions, which really shocked Locke.

And these star regions are not small and medium-sized star regions in the ordinary sense.

In terms of the size and scale of star regions, these 53 star regions are comparable to the general large star regions.

However, considering the transformation technology of life planet possessed by scientific and technological civilization, Locke does not believe that the 53 star domains are composed of the original ecological rules of the birth of the star world and the whole world.

Similarly, only the civilization of science and technology can expand and immigrate within the star world without scruples.

There are three medium-sized galaxies and nine small galaxies under the jurisdiction of the Sylvester domain.

Locke and others are located in the Normandy galaxy, one of the small galaxies.

This is a small galaxy with little treasure of resources and special features. The galaxy has only four life planets, but there are quite a few mineral planets, up to 27.

In just a few days, I visited the Normandy galaxy. Only the top individuals in the star world like Locke can do it.

It was also in these days that Locke learned about the Normandy galaxy and several small and medium-sized galaxies around it.

The powerful means of emotional rules let Locke quietly control the highest officer of the source energy civilization of a life planet in the Normandy galaxy.

Originally, Locke thought that they might encounter resistance from the source energy civilization.

But the fact is that the source energy civilization official, whose life level barely reaches level 2, has only a garrison fleet that can give full play to the combat power comparable to the demigod level.

Although the inside story of the dimensional war has not been exposed in the middle and bottom society of the source energy civilization. However, the influence of dimensional war has already deeply affected all aspects of source energy civilization.

Even the Normandy galaxy, a small galaxy that more than 99% of citizens have never heard of, has been greatly affected and impacted in recent years.

More than 2 billion citizens of source energy civilization living on the four life planets in the galaxy do not know what happened. They only know that the tax rate on their shoulders has been getting heavier and heavier in recent thousands of years.

Even their own life has become more and more difficult. How can they care when the Normandy fleet comparable to the fourth level combat power in the galaxy they live in has quietly left.

It's not just the Normandy fleet. According to the information Locke got from the officials of nayuanneng civilization, more than seven class IV and above warships in the whole Sylvester region have been transferred away.

The official did not know where the fleets eventually went, but Locke, who had just come from the battlefield of the desperate world, naturally knew that those fleets might have gone to the battlefield of the desperate world.

Because the Normandy galaxy is not important, this small galaxy with only four life planets and dozens of mineral planets has no decent defense force now.

Locke is concerned that only those three medium-sized galaxies will exist, or Clark, the first star in the Sylvester domain, will exist.

"The main purpose of our sneaking into the parent star domain of source energy civilization is to establish space-time nodes. Unnecessary battles need to be avoided as much as possible."

"And not all the main forces of the source energy civilization have been transferred to the battlefield of the desperate world. As far as I know, the Galaxy star Safina and the Galaxy star fleet are still in the material star world."

"So we must all be careful!" When Locke said this, his eyes looked at his daughter Lisa, and his eyes were full of seriousness and solemnity.

Lisa obviously knew that this was not the time to play a small game. In the face of Locke's request, the girl nodded obediently.

If it is a general source energy civilization fleet, even if those six level peak fleets come, Locke and others have no problem trying to protect themselves.

The only thing that even Locke needs to fear is the Milky Way star Safina and other dominant fleets of source civilizations.

After all, Locke is only a separate body, and the limit of his power is just to compete with the seven level master.

Locke's second daughter Lisa arrived this time, but also at the moment of reaching the source energy star domain. Locke suddenly regretted bringing Lisa here.

I knew I had refused Lisa with a cold face, but seeing Lisa's clever appearance, Locke shook his head and didn't tangle too much about it.

Seeing that Locke's attention turned to other directions, Lisa breathed a sigh of relief.

Unlike the eyes of the blood curse, Montana and the fountain of destruction, she had a faint awe of Locke. While looking at the life planet below, Lisa asked softly, "father, I didn't expect that the constitution of the creatures in the parent star domain of the source energy civilization is so weak. Even the lowest swift insects of the Zerg under my command have hundreds of times their strength."

"Do we want to choose to build space-time nodes here?" Lisa asked.

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