Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4760

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:10:05 AM

Chapter 4760

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Sure enough, everything, once it comes to politics, must be dirty.

Senator sotahius is right, but in the view of Galaxy star Safina, it also depends on the specific circumstances.

Now the source energy civilization is in danger. As the strongest source energy civilization, the God of source energy was temporarily placed under house arrest by the Source Energy Council for violating the source energy regulations when he needed to stand on the front line of the war.

Galaxy star Safina doesn't know how the source energy council controlled a level 8 peak under house arrest.

In the face of Mr. sotahis's answer, the late level 8 source energy master stepped forward and continued to say, "I have also heard about the dark star super fleet and the star destroying super fleet."

"Although the practice of the God of source energy violated the source energy regulations, in my opinion, it was the best decision under the circumstances."

"It was the sacrifice of the dark star super fleet and the star destroying super fleet that killed the rising sun Lord of the bright Protoss and severely damaged many other hostile masters, including the storm dragon."

"If the God of source energy doesn't do so, do you think the elite legion with a scale of 10 billion can safely withdraw from the battlefield of the desperate world?" Safina's pressing step by step and almost questioning attitude made the old Senator sotahis sigh with a long sigh on his wrinkled face.

Knowing that there was no point in continuing the debate, sotathis waved and said, "go to speaker Giles. He's in there."

"Yuanneng civilization has such an end, and each of us has an unshirkable responsibility."

"My old bone will play its last residual heat in the Swarovski domain next."

When Senator sotahus said these words, the Milky Way star Safina obviously felt that the old man's back in front of her was more bent.

Svol star domain is the last line of defense to defend the source energy star, where most of the wealth, population, legion, warships and so on left by the source energy civilization are accumulated at present.

The role of Senator sotahius in the source energy civilization is equivalent to the responsibilities of the Eternal Lord and the Lord of glory in the protoss of light.

The fact that he will devote the rest of his life to svol also indicates that Senator sotahis will not escape the source energy civilization, and he will live and die with the source energy civilization.

The rickety old man left slowly. Safina, who was holding a breath in her heart, suddenly felt a little disappointed and faintly sad.

Sotahius is right. The source energy civilization has such an end. Every high-level strong person of the source energy civilization has an unshirkable responsibility.

Although dimensional hegemony was indeed first proposed and promoted by the God of source energy, it is undeniable that the God of source energy can promote the whole source energy civilization in this direction because he successfully persuaded the Source Energy Council and many source energy masters, including Safina.

From this point of view, Safina also has great responsibility for the defeat of yuanneng civilization in the desperate world and the collapse crisis faced in the home planet domain.

The collapse crisis of yuanneng civilization is like a mountain pressing on Safina's heart.

And Safina knows that others can escape, but she, the God of source energy and the three giants of Source Energy Council will not escape.

It is their responsibility and duty to live or die together with the source energy civilization.

She continued to walk deeper into the Central Council. Safina wanted to meet the speaker gails.


The Central Council of source energy civilization, which was once magnificent and full of scientific and technological texture, appears much empty and lonely at this time.

When Safina entered it through the source authentication, she found that there was and only one speaker gails sitting in her seat in the parliament of Nuo da.

The letters piled up on the energy light screen in front of us are all about the frontline battlefield and the different conditions of source energy civilization.

However, speaker Giles did not deal with those affairs at this time, but stared at a star map in front of him in a daze.

Yes, a star map. The subject depicted on it is the territory of source energy civilization.

However, this map is more detailed and huge than any map Safina has contacted in the past.

In addition to occupying nearly three fifths of the source energy star region in the whole star map, Safina even saw the words about the Persian civilization and the crystal wall world group in the corner of the remaining two fifths of the star region.

When Chancellor Giles was about to talk to Chancellor Giles about the origin of her emotions, she had no influence on Chancellor Giles.

Ignoring Safina's dignified face, speaker Giles said to himself, "Safina, in fact, you don't have to stay here."

"The iron fisted Senator henatos took the initiative to stay in the battlefield of the desperate world and finally died, and he has completed the mission of your Sofina family."

"Believe that henatos has prepared his last words early?"

"You should take the fire of our energy civilization to escape here and escape from the quagmire of this war."

"Unlike those active fugitives or other high-level leaders of source energy civilization, only you can represent the authenticity of source energy civilization and hope to rekindle the fire of our civilization in other star regions of the universe." Speaker Gaius suddenly raised his head and looked at Safina with burning eyes.

Obviously, speaker Giles is only a weak individual who barely reaches the level of level 6 life through taking genetic drugs and biological transformation. At this moment, the Galaxy star Safina with strength in the later stage of level 8 feels great pressure from Giles.

The source of this pressure is brought about by the power and authority of speaker Giles for hundreds of thousands of years.

Similarly, a great part of this pressure comes from the sudden pressure of the whole civilization inheritance on Safina's shoulder, which makes this source energy master who has never considered withdrawing and fleeing after a while out of breath.

At this moment, Safina suddenly couldn't talk about the many words she had prepared before.

Lead the fire of source energy civilization to escape to the deep starry sky?

This is indeed the most rational choice at present. What capital do they have to turn over again in the material star world when they are desperate for the defeat of the world dimensional war!

Not to mention, Safina, who has always been the commander in chief of the front line, knows what a group of enemies they are facing, and what a terrible and stronger attack they will face next!

But how can there be so many things in this world that can be accomplished through reason?

Without waiting for a few deep breaths, Safina tried to refute something. Speaker Giles then said, "don't rush to refute me. This is the most important thing for you and for source energy civilization."

"Yuanneng civilization needs you to be the inheritor, and you also need to bear the responsibility of rejuvenating yuanneng civilization in the future."

Speaker Giles sighed and then said, "go find the God of source energy. He is now in satellite prison 2 outside source energy star. There is no defense there."

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