Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4775

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:09:42 AM

Chapter 4775

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Countless Zerg armies were crushed into blood mist like melting snow under the edge of the blue fist print of the God of source energy.

The number of lower life forms has lost its meaning in the face of the power of the top dominant creatures.

Locke's second daughter Lisa's death crisis has not been lifted at this moment.

The first to react and help Lisa was the fountain of destruction and the great ape Wukong, which were close to Lisa.

The painted black lotus platform rotates slowly under the spring of destruction.

This seven level master who has absorbed enough destruction factors in the battlefield of the desperate world and the source energy star domain has reached the peak of its current level of personal power.

The tide of destruction, painted black, rose gradually, which had something of Locke's appearance.

However, different from Locke's consistent killing attribute, the most important thing for the spring of destruction and the destruction liantai, which has just grown to grade 8, is to resist the attack of the God of source energy.

At the same time, Wukong also waved his golden giant stick in front of Lisa.

The flamboyant and violent dominant atmosphere indicates that Locke's Apprentice also benefited a lot from the war of civilization.

With a roar, Wukong waved his huge stick and hit the blue fist print of the God of source energy.


The violent dominant impact and energy tide swept the whole battlefield in front of us.

Countless middle and low-level creatures swayed and swayed like boats in a storm in the collision of masters on such a scale.

The huge dominant impact made the tide of death elements on the dead descendant femton and his side have to delay for several steps.

As for Wukong and the fountain of destruction, they are the existence of facing the full attack of the half step nine level master.

One of them is that the painted black spring water on the whole body evaporates one-third in an instant.

The other is that the meteor, which turns into a black paint, continues to regress. Unexpectedly, it was shot directly to the center of the battlefield under the shock of the power of source energy!

With the spring of destruction and Wukong in front, and the dead femton and the majestic death tide as buffers, Lisa, Locke's second daughter, who stayed on femton's head at this time, escaped with both danger and danger.

Bright red blood spilled from the corners of Lisa's mouth and eyes.

The queen of blade, who has been growing up in Locke's arms and behind his back, no longer dares to underestimate creatures above the master level.

She turned into a blood light and withdrew to the rear of the battlefield as soon as possible.

In the eyes of others, Lisa's move and her recent experience obviously have mischievous and capricious elements.

But for Lisa herself, it was a valuable experience for her to face the highest power in the star world!

Deeply aware that there is a trace of power in half step nine, she will have a very smooth road to dominate in the future.

Even with the help of the experience of the war of civilization and the cultivation of her father Locke, the queen of the blade will continue to break through the dominant realm in the future, and even catch up with Locke one day.

Although for the time being, Lisa's practice has undoubtedly directly caused heavy losses to two level seven masters, even Lilith's death tide diffusion plan has been disrupted.

Lisa evacuated, Wukong and the fountain of destruction were hurt one after another. On the contrary, it was femton who took a punch from the God of source energy. At this time, he shook his huge skull, which seemed to be OK.

The huge physique and the strong tide of death behind him are the biggest details and reliance of femton.

Wukong and the spring of destruction shared a lot of pressure for it. Instead of being taken by the power of the God of source energy, it opened its big gray mouth and bit away at the God of source energy in front of it.

Countless umbilical cords and thorns gushed out of femton's huge mouth and other parts of his body at this moment.

With the strong power of death, femton's power was no less powerful than the God of source energy.

It seems that the biggest winner of this dimensional hegemony and civilization war is not only Locke and the light Protoss, but also the big guy who only knows how to eat and sleep.

The whole source energy civilization sank into the death crisis, and I don't know how much power it has contributed to femton.

With Lilith's deployment and control of the death tide, femton's power has been expanded indefinitely.

Not to mention other places, just in a corner of the Sylvester domain, Lilith is confident that femton can compete with the late eighth level or even the top eighth level creature.

There is kakarot in front and femton in the back.

There are also two seven level masters, the fountain of destruction and the great ape Wukong.

The God of source energy who releases super powerful attacks one after another can't help feeling a little tired at the moment.

The power of dominant creatures is not endless.

Although the blessing of the city of active energy can quickly supplement the source power of the God of source energy, the God of source energy will also feel a burst of fatigue and fatigue if he attacks with all his strength so frequently.

After all, the God of source energy is not a real nine level creature, and his half step nine level realm is not cultivated step by step like the Supreme God.

The super blessing and space-time power of the city of source energy are indeed powerful, but in general, they are just external forces.

However, the God of source energy did not stop because of a short exhaustion. He lifted up the God of source energy with one breath again and stimulated the cube crystal in front of him again. Countless beams of source energy gathered in front of the God of source energy.

In the next second, hundreds of millions of source beams will be launched together!

The God of source energy has demonstrated the saturated coverage attack that can only be formed by the gathering of thousands or even hundreds of millions of legions with his own strength!

The countless power of source energy, light and rain, directly illuminate the starry sky and the world.

It not only offset the attack of countless tentacles and thorns of dead femton, but also restrained the power of death and the spread of death tide to a great extent.

The power of half step level 9 creature is so terrible!

The personal show of the God of source energy, as well as his suppression of several hostile masters and change the element concentration of the whole battlefield, undoubtedly have greatly improved the momentum of the source energy Legion who arrived here across time and space on the battlefield of Sylvester star domain.

In fact, part of the reason why the God of source energy releases his power so frequently is to reduce the damage of those elite source energy legions.

No way, the source energy civilization at this time is not the peak of tens of thousands of years ago.

On this battlefield, in addition to the God of source energy, there are only one level-7 source energy master, four level-7 warships, one level-8 warships and an exotic level-8 master Shalu's high-end combat power.

The lack of high-level combat power and the lack of middle and bottom combat power indicate that the God of source energy must erupt stronger power in order to narrow the gap between the two sides.

From the current point of view, it is indeed the God of source energy, which is immeasurable at the moment.

But from another point of view, whether Locke or the Supreme God, they haven't done it yet!

On the contrary, the God of source energy has produced a certain amount of consumption due to frequent efforts.

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