Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4920

Published at 28th of April 2022 09:21:46 AM

Chapter 4920

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The prosperity and future of Scott Empire naturally need their own people to witness.

Locke and his party are just passers-by of this medium-sized scientific and technological civilization.

After entering the civilization territory of Scott empire through mutaitan, Locke and his party successively visited the three small star regions under the jurisdiction of this medium-sized world civilization and the center of their civilization.

Even on the first star of the Scott Empire, the planet of walporos, Locke's wives entered it, holding tens of billions of unique credit coins of the Scott empire.

The ability of level 9 creatures to collect interest and the characteristics of scientific and technological civilization supported Locke and his family to enter their first star for a long time when the top level of the medium-sized world civilization did not expect it.

If it's other medium-sized planes on one side, just the self screening ability of plane suppression effect and plane will, maybe Locke can hide his identity, but his group of wives may be difficult to escape the lock of plane will.

Of course, this is also related to the open and inclusive development characteristics of the Scott empire.

Like Locke and others, the "alien" with special appearance does not exist rarely on the first star of the Scott Empire, walboros.

Locke and others hold official passports issued by the Scott empire.

The only thing not discovered by the senior management of Scott empire is the ultra-high life level and terrorist strength generally possessed by Locke and his party.

Lord level creatures such as Locke, blood curse eye Montana and phantom Riel are not mentioned.

Only Angelina, Christine, Raffi, sarafa and other women, relying on their strength, can make the Scott Empire, a small and medium-sized world civilization, turn the world upside down, or even extinguish the fire of civilization development.

This is the absolute gap caused by unequal strength.

The Scott empire is happy. They don't know that a group of travel teams with strength generally at level 6 and even many dominant creatures exist. They just fly over two-thirds of their civilization territory with an insignificant small aircraft.

This should also be regarded as ignorant happiness.

After a tour of the first star of the Scott Empire, according to the next travel plan of Locke and others, they should leave this medium-sized world civilization that is no longer fresh and go to other regions deep in the starry sky for exploration.

However, when they came to a meteorite belt in the hinterland of the Scott Empire, Locke suddenly felt that he changed the forward route of the spacecraft and returned to the mutaitan domain they had originally entered.

In the center of mutaitan, the main trading satellite - Kodak II, Locke met an old friend.

Unlike when Locke passed through mutaitan domain a few months ago, the small domain at this time is very heavily guarded.

Not only several interstellar battleships in the mutaitan region sent out together, but also two royal nuclear fleets sent by the Scott Empire arrived here.

In Locke's eyes, the nuclear fleet is nothing strange, but it is a synonym for prestige and almost invincibility in the star domain around the Scott empire.

The future development of the Royal Fleet is comparable to that of the Royal Fleet, and the development of the two royal fleets is important.

Kodak II has been under martial law since last month.

Because the Scott Empire had done a very good job of confidentiality, many chaebol business groups and alien caravans of this civilization did not receive any news.

This ugly trading planet has become a special place that can't go in or out.

However, this restriction has no effect on Locke and his party.

Through the numerous blockades laid by the Scott Empire, Locke and his party swaggered to the trading city in the center of Kodak II.

A technology patent related to the future civilization development of Scott Empire has just been completed here.

The Scott Empire obtained the cutting-edge technology in a certain field they dreamed of, and as the other side of their traders, they also obtained a staggering number of energy spars and other material wealth from the Scott empire.

It was also when both sides of the transaction successfully completed the transaction and one of them was ready to leave that Locke appeared on the starry tarmac of the trading city.

Hundreds of very familiar shadow fighters, all of which mark these metal creations, are inextricably linked with the once grace mainland holy see.

Even on the wings of those shadow fighters, Locke saw a special symbol belonging to the Holy See alone.

The sudden intrusion of Locke and his party, no matter how dull the Scott empire is, must have found something wrong with them.

The shrill alarm and the roar of fighter planes and warships sounded all around, but Locke, the leader, did not change his look from beginning to end.

As if everything that happened around him had nothing to do with him.

Locke's temperament and special performance obviously also attracted the attention of the party dealing with the Scott empire.

Since he is an old friend who even Locke knows, it is obvious that the other party also knows him and knows his strength.

On the one hand, he stopped the possible reckless actions of the Scott Empire, and the man familiar to Locke finally appeared in front of him.

Take off the white hood, and its face is an extremely beautiful and sassy woman.

"Hehe, Kelly of heaven, I remember you once fought with me in the starry sky."

"Now that you are here, does it mean that the Vatican remnant of your grace continent is also near this star civilization?" Locke asked with a smile.

Locke's gentle laughter was full of cold and cold in Kelly's eyes.

Although Locke himself was not directly involved in the process of conquering the Enze star domain in those years, his appearance on the battlefield of the Tara star domain in those years itself represented that he stood with the fairy domain.

Needless to say, Locke also fought with the two leaders of the grace mainland Vatican.

If it had not been for Locke's intervention, the leader of Tongtian cult might have fallen earlier.

Facing Locke's gentle laughter, Kelly didn't reply for a long time.

This man of the Vatican, who was able to compete with Locke's disciple Wukong and the strong man Yang Jian in the immortal domain, is still at the peak level of quasi saint.

It seems that they have had a hard time in exile.

Kelly should have been promoted so early in the past years.

In the face of Kelly's silence, Locke didn't care.

Perhaps knowing the insurmountable gap between level 6 and level 8 creatures, Kelly has made plans to fall into Locke's hands.

Fighting Locke with silence is the only thing she can do at present.

The unequal strength even made her want to commit suicide in front of Locke.


Hearing that QQ hall was shut down today, I felt very sad. It represents the whole summer of Xiaodou's childhood.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!