Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4940

Published at 11th of May 2022 09:58:47 AM

Chapter 4940

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The ranking order of the seven pharaohs of the Minhe empire is not divided by their strength, but by the length of time they have been promoted to level 8.

However, it is clearly recognized in the star world that the longer the promotion master exists, the more proficient and powerful it will be in the use of rules.

In particular, as a top-level civilization, the Minhe Empire also has corresponding means to supplement the omnipotent soul consumption of the dominant creatures, which makes their war potential different from the dominant creatures of other large-scale world civilizations.

The second Pharaoh of the Maha empire is not the strongest existence. Even because it has few shots, its name may not be as loud as the third Pharaoh, magic karst and the fourth Pharaoh, reyestan.

But different from other pharaohs, the second Pharaoh of Minhe Empire has more abilities than other Pharaohs in communicating the mysteries and exploring the unknown.

It is said that the second Pharaoh of the Maha empire can see some pictures of the future. In the years when he was in charge of the Maha Empire, he predicted 17 major events for the Maha Empire, and 13 of the 17 major events finally happened.

And because of the advance prediction and preparation of the Minhe Empire, the Minhe Empire took advantage of these big events, which made them achieve today.

In terms of influence, the second Pharaoh of the Minhe Empire, at some times, surpassed the first Pharaoh.

The reason why the king of the universe can know so much is that in his early years, he knew a level 7 creature who is also good at prophecy and divination.

The second Pharaoh peeled off nearly half of each other's skin and used each other's two eyeballs as decorations for his bone stick.

By some chance, the king of xinghuan met with the other party. At that time, the "monster" who had been difficult to recognize its true face told the king of xinghuan these facts.

Therefore, the king of xinghuan has a deeper fear of the Maha empire.

The more you know each other's strength, the more you can understand your smallness.

This time, ryestan personally appeared in this star field, which also showed the king of the star world the "determination" of the Minhe empire.

If the wizard civilization and other surrounding world civilizations do not show enough strength to resist the Maha Empire, the king of xinghuan will naturally make the right decision.

With this in mind, the king of xinghuan and Reyes Stein flew towards the hinterland of the wizard star domain.

It's not the first time for the king of the universe to go to the underworld star domain. In fact, in order to acquire the dozens of blank planes in the original light star domain, the king of the universe has run back and forth in the wizard civilization for more than 20 times in recent years.

Every time, the king of xinghuan has a special report to the wizard alliance, including the wizard civilization will also send dominant creatures to receive the king of xinghuan.

But the difference between this time and the past is that the king of xinghuan came secretly this time, including laiyestan, a fourth Pharaoh with far stronger strength than him.

It's not difficult for two late level 8 masters to hide their whereabouts in the boundless starry sky.

The star territory of wizard civilization is too large. Even if some patrol forces of wizard civilization and wizard alliance inspect the star territory under their jurisdiction, these patrol forces must not cover every area of the whole wizard civilization.

In addition, the pharaohs of the Minhe Empire have made achievements that are beyond the reach of the masters of other civilizations in the field of self sealing. After ryestan and the king of the universe entered the territory of the wizard text star domain, they arrived outside the underworld star domain and were stunned that they were not noticed by the high level of wizard civilization.

This is also the horror of the dominant creatures in the star world!

If a master is determined to fight guerrillas with one civilization, even if the other is a top civilization, he will have a headache.

As long as they are not trapped by other civilizations, this behavior is simply a rogue way of playing!

Arrive at the boundary of the underworld star domain all the way, and watch the increasingly huge element tides and regular ripples coming from the plane of the underworld in the center of the underworld star domain.

Both reyestein and the king of the universe feel that they can't resist a great existence and that an unparalleled secret treasure is about to be born!

The king of xinghuan is no stranger to this great existence.

On his round head, a pair of eyes stared at leyestan, as if to ask the other party to give an explanation.

The supreme Knight master agreed is gone?

Who the hell is this his mother?!

Has a second level 9 creature been born in the wizard civilization?

How is that possible!

Ryestan did not care about the gaze of the king of the universe. In other words, ryestan's attention at this time was not on the king of the universe, nor on the terrorist existence with great fluctuations, but devoted himself to the treasure of civilization that was about to take shape!

It's the treasure of civilization! Reyes Stein's heart is shouting!

Since the development of Minhe Empire, there are only two complete treasures of civilization in civilization.

These two treasures of civilization are in the hands of the first Pharaoh and the deepest part of the mother plane of the Maha empire.

Until now, reyestein believed that the Ninth level creature of wizard civilization had left the star world.

As for the great existence with the attribute of mysterious rules existing in the plane of the underworld at this time, Reyes Stein is more willing to believe that the other party is a hidden master of wizard civilization.

Or what is left behind after the Ninth level creature of wizard civilization left the star world.

Level 9 creatures cannot exist in the star world for a long time, let alone 10000 years since Locke last appeared!

How can a level 9 creature stay in the star world for 10000 years.

His confidence in his own strength, his greed for the treasure of civilization, and his familiarity with the so-called nine levels of secrecy made ryestan not afraid of the breath of life possessed by the great existence.

In fact, Locke's breath of life is really not high at this time.

The creator God obscured Locke's Qi mechanism, and in order to avoid the rejection of the star world, Locke could not vent his nine level power recklessly.

If the supreme Knight didn't dominate the distance formation of the suit, he wouldn't even spill too much regular energy.

All kinds of coincidences prompted Reyes Stein to slide into the abyss step by step.

Even in the process of approaching the plane of the underworld, ryestan didn't think about how to deal with Locke, who exudes a special smell of rules.

But how to escape from the encirclement and suppression of many dominant creatures of wizard civilization after grabbing the treasure of civilization.

At this time, there was more than one dominant creature on the plane of the underworld. In addition to Locke's family and wife, other wizard civilizations, dominant knights and true spirit magicians also received news and rushed here.

Looking at leyestan, who was in a state of magic, the king of the universe of stars was silent for a moment, and finally said nothing.

He and Reyes Stein continued to fly towards the underworld, but with Locke's great atmosphere appearing in the underworld, there were some subtle changes in the state of mind of the king of the universe.

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