Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 69

Published at 12th of March 2022 08:04:02 AM

Chapter 69

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At this time, Angelina was completely like a savage, with shabby and black clothes, scattered shawl hair, and even her shoes were worn out, revealing two small white feet.

Angelina lay down and rubbed her feet. She waited in the snow all night last night before catching such a snow rabbit. Her feet were frozen and unconscious.

After rubbing for a while, her feet finally felt a little. Angelina took the time to look at Locke. The next savage with beard residue, greasy hair and even some peculiar smell is Locke.

Locke's face is still very pale, but it is not as dead gray as at first. His strong body is thin as skin and bones. He lies quietly on the grass. Only from his weak breath can we see that Locke is still alive.

Angelina slept close to Locke. She stayed up all night last night. Now she's really tired. Before falling asleep, Angelina didn't forget to put Locke's arm on her waist. In this way, in the cave, two people hugged each other and slept...

In the afternoon, Angelina woke up. She still looked up at Locke like every time she woke up, but the result was the same as every time. Locke was still pale, and her closed eyes never opened.

Angelina sighed, picked herself up and prepared dinner for the two. Angelina and Locke have only had one meal for half a month.

The hard snow rabbit spent most of the day in the cave, and there were some signs of digestion. Angelina skillfully used a brightening technique, clinging to the snow rabbit's fur, and soon the frozen snow rabbit softened slowly.

Angelina melted only one-third of the meat of the snow rabbit, and the rest was frozen for the two to eat tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Taking out Locke's short dagger, Angelina began to cook rabbit meat. A small bonfire appeared against the hole. The burning smoke of dead branches floated out along the hole, accompanied by a faint smell of barbecue.

Angelina did not dare to burn the fire too much. The snow bear who heard the news a week ago left a deep impression on her. Now she only retains a little magic every day. With a four person Locke, she dared not provoke the snow bear as a beast. Fortunately, she was smart. She extinguished the flame at the critical moment and blocked the cave with snow, so she escaped the attack of the snow bear.

Locke's ability to light a fire with simple materials was not learned by Angelina, but she had her own method. The magic trick that can be mastered by an entry-level apprentice, lightness, played tricks in Angelina's hands, lighting, defeating the enemy, heating up and igniting.

Although nearly a month's wandering life made Angelina cut off her magic study, she felt that her understanding of magic had deepened.

The food they cook is just ordinary barbecue. They have been eating barbecue almost all the time in the past half a month. It doesn't matter whether they are tired of eating. What matters is that there is still food. Angelina won't forget the days when she couldn't find food. She can only drink some snow water and endure hunger with a comatose Locke.

The barbecue is very exquisite. Angelina has a good grasp of the heat. She has learned 50% of Locke's barbecue skills. What's more, there are some salt crystal particles and red powder on the barbecue. The salt crystal was brought out of the salt lake. Fortunately, it was well prepared at that time, and there is still more than half of it.

The red powder is made by grinding the fire cloud fruit that Locke first found. The small number of fire cloud fruit can now make great achievements. Angelina gains every time she hunts, she relies on the attraction of fire cloud fruit to wild animals.

Huoyunguo is a magical material. Although the level is quite low, it is still attractive to some ordinary beasts. In addition, it is winter and the difficulty of animal foraging has increased a lot. The huoyunguo put in Angelina's trap has really attracted some herbivorous animals. Of course, most of them are small animals like snow rabbit and cedar, and huoyunguo can only be attractive to these little guys.

The snow rabbit is good. If you are lucky enough, one snow rabbit can let two people eat for three days, but cedar and vole can't. It's less than the volume of one palm, only enough for two people to eat for one day. Both of them lost weight in the past half a month. It's hard to find food.

The smell of the roast meat soon came. Angelina stirred her throat and didn't hurry to eat. After the meat was completely roasted, Angelina stopped and extinguished the bonfire with the snow nearby, but she didn't completely wet the bonfire. These residual temperatures of the bonfire were enough to warm up the caves where the two people lived.

Angelina took the barbecue back to the straw mat, nibbled a little meat with her teeth, chewed it carefully before swallowing it, and drank the melted snow water in the nearby wooden pot from time to time.

After eating less than half of the meat, Angelina stopped swallowing and transferred the chewed meat from mouth to mouth to Locke's mouth. If Angelina was a little shy in the first two days, now she doesn't care at all. It's fair that this guy took care of her in the beginning, and she takes care of him now, Angelina thinks so.

Locke is still in a coma. Angelina doesn't respond to feeding him. Angelina even needs to chew the food and send it to Locke's throat with the tip of her tongue, so Locke can swallow it with the natural reaction of her body.

Locke, who hasn't washed for half a month in a row, has a musty smell that can't be dissolved. Even if Angelina gives Locke a cleaning technique in almost two days, this smell is like a maggot of tarsal bone, which can't dissipate. Cleansing can only remove stains on the body, and has no effect on smell.

Especially in Locke's mouth, she hasn't rinsed for half a month. I really don't know how Angelina persuaded herself with the respect of princess.

Put the last bit of shredded meat into Locke's mouth. Angelina stopped feeding, wiped the saliva around Locke's mouth with her back, and looked at the red look of Locke's lips. Angelina's face was slightly red. She was still a 16-year-old girl. Although she was used to doing this these days, she could not help blushing when she calmed down and remembered. She even scolded herself for being ashamed, Lost the face of the Faustin royal family.

But at the thought that Locke saved her life and that Locke had taken care of her, Angelina had an excuse to convince herself. In the eyes of outsiders, Princess Angelina, who has been smart, sensible, mature and noble since childhood, is just a little girl at this time. The behavior taken by Locke when saving her before is a piece of solid ice, which can also be broken. In this way, when Angelina doesn't know it, Locke has already entered her heart.

After feeding, Angelina cleaned up the messy cave a little. She went out last night and didn't come back this morning. She had a rest. She had been lying for a long time before. She didn't have time to clean the cave where they lived. Angelina, who is a little clean, can stand the dirty and broken clothes and shoes. She can't live in a pig's nest.

After poking a snow hole at the hole for ventilation, Angelina sat cross legged on the grass mat and began her routine meditation. Angelina, who has no strength to bind a chicken, can survive for half a month in the snow mountain with Locke like an oil bottle, thanks to her magic.

Three magic tricks were played out by her. She developed many usages, not to mention the useful brightening technique, cleaning technique and light body technique. Angelina must ensure that her magic can not be exhausted, and in the dry days of the snow mountain, Locke also falls into a coma. If she doesn't practice to pass the time, Angelina feels she will go crazy.

Angelina didn't stop meditating until night came.

He got up and went to Locke. He put his hand into Locke's clothes. After taking it out for a while, he took out a white oval crystal core the size of his thumb.

The soft light emitted by the white crystal core in the dark cave at night. Angelina holding the crystal core felt the faint warmth of the crystal core from the touch between her fingers.

This white crystal core is the low-level magic core contributed by the dead moonlight wolf. The optical magic core has always been a very scarce precious material. Angelina has seen many medium-level and even high-level Warcraft crystal cores from her teacher's laboratory, except the optical magic core. The rarity of light Warcraft and the self-contained healing ability of light magic core have doubled its value.

After emitting a soft light for a while, the magic core in his hand becomes dim. It consumes the stored optical magic. During the day, the optical magic core can absorb the surrounding optical magic while healing Locke's body, so as to achieve a balance of revenue and expenditure, but not at night.

Angelina needs to put the light magic core near the hole so that the moonlight outside can just shine on the magic core to help the magic core speed up the storage of magic.

Soon after the core left Locke's body, Locke began to tremble. This is the only proof that Locke is still alive in a day.

If you look closely, you will find that in addition to wearing his own broken clothes, Locke is left with a list made up of miscellaneous animal fur. Her poor connection skills can be seen as Angelina's technique. The heat preservation ability of these fur is very poor, and Locke's physical state is very poor at this time, so Locke shivers cold.

Looking at Locke trembling at this time, Angelina sighed and made an unexpected move.

Angelina took off her old clothes wrapped around herself, revealing her white body. As soon as her white skin was exposed, Angelina felt a biting cold in the cold cave. She quickly bent down and drilled into Locke's quilt. Two pieces of broken clothes and a piece of messy animal fur were their quilt.

Angelina lies on her side facing Locke and looks at the man who is two years older than her. Although Locke's face is waxy yellow and the beard on his chin is getting denser and denser, Angelina still sees a handsome look from Locke's face.

No, he thought, after Angelina under the quilt hugged Locke, Locke finally calmed down. Even his hands involuntarily hugged Angelina in front of him, so they hugged each other and slept.

From the night of the first snow after rescuing Locke, Angelina made this decision when she saw Locke shivering after the moonlight wolf magic core lost its function at night. She didn't regret it.

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