Published at 4th of August 2023 11:20:48 AM

Chapter 60

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Chapter 60: The Intricate Relationship between Natalia, Herself, and Jessica


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12-15 minutes

"You're saying that there's a movie that wants me to play the lead role?"

Angela nodded.

"And you're saying that you wrote the script for this movie?" 


Angela nodded again.

"And you're saying that you requested the director to cast me as the female lead?" 


Angela nodded once more.

Natalie Portman, oh no, it should be Natalie Hershlag. Portman is her grandmother's surname, which she adopted after becoming an actress. She sighed and covered her forehead."Angela, tell me, is it you who's gone crazy, or is it me?"

This question caused Angela to ponder for a few seconds, before she confidently replied, "It's me who's gone crazy."

For a few minutes, Natalie couldn't help but wonder if the young girl sitting before her was indeed insane. They had only met once before, and this was only their second encounter. Why would Angela seek her out for a movie role? It seemed utterly baffling.

Natalie studied Angela, who sat in the chair with her head down, her expression concealed. Since arriving at Natalie's house, they hadn't truly made direct eye contact, which struck her as peculiar.

Feeling the need to gather her thoughts, Natalie stood up and walked over to the window, leaning her hands on the windowsill as the warm sunlight poured in, embracing her. After careful consideration, she spoke, "Angela, please, tell me, why did you think of casting me in a movie?"

"Natalie, you see, the filming process doesn't consume much time in the grand scheme of making a film. You can easily spare that time, and it's a great way to earn some pocket money and further develop yourself. Isn't that wonderful?" Angela evasively responded, deftly diverting the question at hand.



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"If that's the case, then I can only apologize," Natalie shrugged her shoulders, a tinge of confusion evident on her face.

At that moment, Angela lifted her head, wearing a wry smile. Her emerald green eyes wandered around the room, filled with uncertainty. She nibbled on her lip and let out a sigh. "Well, Nat, I didn't want to say this, or perhaps I planned to wait a few more years, but it seems I have to reveal it now. Even though it may sound absurd, it is undeniably the truth!" She reached into her backpack and retrieved a drawing, extending it to Natalie.

Natalie glanced at the drawing, unable to tear her eyes away. Wasn't the girl portrayed in the artwork the very same girl Natalie saw in the mirror every day, emanating a hint of melancholy? It was astonishing how much the drawing resembled Natalie herself!

"Is this... a drawing of me?" she asked hesitantly, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"When I made this drawing two years ago, I had no idea who I was sketching. It wasn't until the day before yesterday that I realized," Angela turned her gaze to the side, speaking softly.

"This... this can't be possible," Natalie attempted to pass it off as a joke with a smile, but her lips refused to curve upward. The drawing in her hand clearly wasn't created in the past couple of days. What did it mean?

"Angie, this has to be a prank, right?!" Natalie stared at Angela, her heart pounding inexplicably. Despite her intelligence and strong opinions, she was, after all, just a 10-year-old child, unable to fully comprehend the situation.


But Angela continued to avert her gaze, refusing to provide an answer. Natalie's anxiety intensified, and she approached Angela, desiring to bring her closer and uncover the truth. She yearned to understand why she had been feeling unsettled ever since receiving the drawing. Even if the drawing truly was created by Angela two years ago, there were always numerous coincidences in the world. So why...

As Natalie reached out to draw Angela near, the young girl swiftly evaded her, displaying signs of nervousness and reluctance to make eye contact or physical contact. Angela took a few steps towards the door, turned around, and let out a sigh. "I have to go, Nat. I need to return to Los Angeles. School is starting soon. I will speak to Mr. Avner about it, but I truly hope you will attend the audition."


After uttering those words, Angela hastily departed, and Natalie made no attempt to pursue her. As Angela exited, Natalie couldn't help but notice her figure trembling ever so slightly. 

What could she be afraid of or saddened by? Natalie let out a sigh and gazed attentively at the drawing clutched in her hand. Could anyone shed light on what was unfolding?


Within the confines of the room, a crescendo of intense music reverberated, akin to a tempest, akin to colossal waves crashing against the shore. Amidst this tumultuous symphony, it felt as though a voice persisted in shouting, in roaring, and resolute in making itself heard even amidst the overwhelming force of nature.



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As the music soared to its climax, producing a discordant note, it abruptly ceased. Angela tightly grasped her right index finger, which had slipped and collided with the piano's edge due to her excessive force while playing.

The young girl blew on her injured finger repeatedly. Though it throbbed with pain, a fraction of her burdened heart had been released through the unfinished melody of《Fate.》

She let out a sigh. Even though she had returned to Los Angeles, her heart still longed for the girl she left behind in New York. Before departing, she had mentioned it to the Hershlag couple, confident that Luc Besson would soon reach out to them. Mr. Avner would undoubtedly seek his daughter's perspective. Natalie, why won't you give me your consent?


Despite Natalie being six months away from turning 11, Angela held an unwavering faith in her abilities. However, she couldn't help but wonder why Natalie appeared so indecisive whenever they crossed paths. Angela could have remained in New York and awaited her audition, but something had compelled her to panic and return.

Yet the young girl dared not delve into these thoughts. She feared that the emotional barriers she had constructed within her heart would crumble once again. Thus, she released a sigh and clambered onto the piano, producing a few gentle notes.

Thankfully, amidst the confusion, there were other matters to divert her attention. Warner Bros. had already dispatched the complete script for《Hide and Seek》with filming set to commence by the month's end. At least she wouldn't be confined to a classroom, grappling with her unbridled thoughts.


She was genuinely excited about acting alongside Al Pacino. Of course, she couldn't overlook the fact that the role was originally intended for Robert De Niro before it fell to Pacino—a notion that struck Angela as amusing prompting a desire to laugh out loud.

Her only concern lay with Warner's choice of director—David Fincher. Admittedly, Angela recognized Fincher's talent.《Seven》and《Fight Club》stood as remarkable works, showcasing his adeptness in crafting a mysterious atmosphere. From Angela's perspective, selecting Fincher to helm《Hide and Seek》appeared to be a perfect match. However, the issue resided in the fact that Fincher had recently transitioned to film directing. 

Previously, he had primarily worked on MTV videos. Of course, it didn't imply that directors with a background in music videos couldn't excel in filmmaking. Michael Bay, for instance had initiated his career as an MTV director. It's just that the young girl hoped this film would exceed all expectations.

You see, in her previous life《Hide and Seek》had achieved moderate success at the box office but garnered significant criticism from film critics. Apart from the fact that the horror genre already boasted numerous classics at the time, one of the contributing factors was director John Polson's mishandling of the latter half of the film. It had been his first directorial venture.

However, despite her worries, Angela had no means to alter the decision. After all, Warner had bestowed her with a certain degree of influence. It seemed that such privileges would only be granted when she became a director or producer in the future.


Dismissing that passing notion, she nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders. Angela closed the lid of the piano, then reached for the script resting on the desk, engrossed in its contents once more. 


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She was completely captivated by the presence of Al Pacino and David Fincher, oblivious to the fact that Jodie Foster portrayed the character of Catherine, the female psychologist!


"You'll enjoy living here. It's really fascinating," the girl beneath the towering tree exclaimed, bouncing up and down with enthusiasm. Glancing at the other girl seated on the bench beneath the tree, she added, "You don't talk much, do you?"


After uttering her words, the first girl held her hands in anticipation, waiting for a response from the girl who remained lost in thought. However, the girl remained silent, seemingly immersed in her own musings. 

Frustrated, the first girl repeated her statement, but the girl continued to daydream. Growing annoyed, the first girl raised the script in her hand and lightly tapped her on the head. "Hey, Angela, it's your turn."

"Huh? What? Jessie? Is it my turn?" Angela, who had been jolted back to reality, hastily replied. Just last week, she received news that Natalie had initially been eliminated in the first round of auditions but was fortunately chosen after the second round. 


Angela couldn't help but find the situation somewhat amusing, although she also felt a sense of relief. After all, Luc Besson wouldn't joke about his reputation.

At that moment, Jessica rolled her eyes irritably. "Come on, Angela. You dragged me over here to practice our lines. How can I take this seriously if you're not?"


"Alright, Jessie, I've already apologized," Angela said, adopting an innocent expression before playfully tapping the chair. "Take a break, we still have a week before filming starts."

Jessica shrugged and settled down beside her, letting out a sigh. "I envy you, Angela, having the ability to write your own script."

"If you want, I can write one for you too," the young girl suggested, her smile radiant.

"Forget it, I don't possess your acting talent. I'll simply attend acting classes diligently, honing my skills starting from small roles," Jessica remarked, raising her index finger and shaking it.

Indeed, she hailed from a military family. Angela sighed inwardly. However, before she could complete her sigh, Jessica had already spread all ten fingers and smirked mischievously at her. "But when I become famous, you have to write ten scripts for me!"


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"What?" The little girl's mouth dropped open in surprise.

"You told me once that if I became an actress, you'd write scripts for me," Jessica proclaimed proudly.


"But you're so greedy, Jessie," Angela exclaimed, a vein pulsing on her forehead.

"You didn't specify the quantity back then," Jessica confidently argued.

"Is that so?" Angela drawled out her words, her fist clenching. Seeing the situation taking an unfavorable turn, Jessica quickly interjected, "Alright, five is fine. How about three? Okay, just one."

Jessie suddenly leaped up, attempting to make a swift getaway, but Angela was faster, already on her feet and capturing Jessica in her arms. However, Angela's strength wasn't well-calibrated, resulting in both of them becoming entangled and losing their balance, crashing to the ground amidst screams.

"Ouch, that hurts! Angela, my clothes got dirty, and my mom will scold me," Jessica pinned beneath Angela, pouted and exclaimed. Unfortunately, Angela's arms restrained her leaving her unable to apply any force.

"Jessie, don't blame me. You started it this time," Angela clicked her tongue in response.

Jessica attempted to tighten her grip. In previous encounters, Angela would usually tickle her armpits, but before she could make a move Angela suddenly flipped over and sat at a distance, her back turned, engaged in something Jessie couldn't discern.

"Angela, what's wrong with you?" Jessica hastily got up from the ground, anxiously questioning her friend.

"Huh? What? Oh, nothing... nothing." Angela shook her head dazedly, stealing a glance back at Jessica before quickly averting her gaze, appearing to breathe slightly heavily.

"Really? Seriously, Angela, ever since New Year, I've sensed something's off with you. Is there something you can't tell me?" Jessica approached, attempting to offer support, but as soon as she made contact Angela jolted up as if shocked, scanning her surroundings in a panic. 


"Alright, Jessie, it's time for class. I need to return to the classroom. Let's talk later if there's anything."

With that, Angela hurriedly dashed away, leaving a concerned Jessica standing in place. What could have transpired to cause such a shift in Angela's demeanor?

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